Online TRE® class w/ Tammy Hayano: 1st Fridays @ 9:30 am PST / California

Online TRE® class w/ Tammy Hayano: 1st Fridays @ 9:30 am PST / California

TRE® (tension-trauma release exercises) offers a natural way to dismantle the build-up of stress in our body, mind, and emotions. This reduces the reactive states of freeze, flight, fight, dissociation, and overwhelm. When we recognize what state we are in, this informs how we relate to ourselves and others. Keeping our nervous system regulated and our mind present offers us a balanced state of being.

This class will include:

  • guided body scan to practice body awareness and interoception
  • TRE® (tension-trauma release exercises) to open up the psoas muscle
  • 20 minutes of tremoring with self-regulation
  • direct feedback about your tremoring experience
  • various ideas to bring more presence and safety to your experience
  • rest and grounding

Maximum of 8 participants for a personalized experience.

TRE® is not recommended if you are pregnant, have had a recent injury or surgery, have epilepsy, or untreated high blood pressure

Offered 1st Fridays of the month @ 9:30 am —10:30 am PST/ California.

Convert your time zone here.

Cost in USD:

To learn more and/or book your spot, visit my website:


60 min. private sessions: $108 online; $125 in-person in Alameda, CA

About the Facilitator: Tammy Hayano has been teaching TRE® for over 8 years. This modality has had a profound impact on her own healing journey— releasing back pain, letting go of anger, igniting a Kundalini awakening, and deepening a healthy relationship with the self. TRE® has shown her the depth of the body’s intelligence— how it holds onto wounds and the ability to recover. As a TRE® provider, Tammy has had the joy of teaching workshops, classes, and private sessions with a wide range of populations. Tammy is also trained in: Hatha Yoga, QiGong, Innerdance Energy Work, Laughter Yoga, Family Constellations, and Craniosacral Therapy. Tammy’s experiences consistently receive excellent reviews on TripAdvisor, Airbnb Experiences, and WeTravel. Tammy is based in Alameda, California and loves coffee, cats, naps, and traveling. Visit her website: