Online Intro to TRE®

Online Intro to TRE®


January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025    
All Day


Event Type

When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

~ Anthony D’Angelo


We think of stress as only existing in our minds. Something we can cognitively fix or ignore or wish away. When was the last time you de-stressed your whole body?

Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®), which were developed by Dr. David Berceli, are a simple set of movements that everybody can practice to access a powerful, natural stress release mechanism in the body. These sessions will empower you to release deeply stored tension patterns. This enables both your body and mind to recover from daily, acute and chronic stresses. People report feeling deeply relaxed, a reduction in pain, and more balanced and energized after each session. Some even describe it as a full body self-massage. It is perfect for those who are looking for profound stress relief without meditating.

In this Intro to TRE series you will-

– mindfully release stress in a supportive environment

– learn the science behind TRE

– learn how to self-regulate your nervous system, body and mind utilizing TRE

– learn how to practice on your own in order to feel less stressed when you need it

Over time you will gently release tensions, stress and even trauma both from the body and mind for deep and lasting relaxation.

Three 1:1 sessions

Available both in-person in Santa Fe, NM or online.

These sessions are suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.