Videos from China
TRE in China
TRE was chosen by a Chinese Government representative to be one of four modalities used in China to assist in the healing and recovery process of the millions of people affected by the earthquakes in Sichuan, Province.
TRE was chosen for its ability to provide tension and trauma recovery assistance to large populations without the guidance of professional therapists. The TRE training program is being designed to train professionals as well as non-professionals. The goal is to have trained teachers, parents, emergency relief personnel, and therapists to provide TRE to one million people by the end of 2008.
The counseling center that was directly involved in learning and eventually teaching TRE in China is the PsycheCN directed by Dr. Helena Guo. She is an insightful and dedicated Dr. of Psychology who is personally and professionally helping the earthquake survivors return to a life that can resolve some of the pain and hardship they have endured.
An Overview of TRE in China
Earthquake Zone in China
The following video is a short visual of the aftermath of the earthquake in Sichuan Province, China. Dr. David Berceli took the video while traveling in a car. It shows the dramatic effects of such a powerful earthquake and the disruption of lives that it has caused.
TRE Workshop in China
This video demonstrates how TRE is already being translated in Chinese and taught by the local leaders of the earthquake zone in Sichuan Province, China.
Dr. Helena Guo is teaching the theoretical background for the exercises which includes education on the effects of trauma in the brain and the body. One of the local teachers from the school in which we were working with is guiding the teachers of the area through the exercises. It is important that they have a personal experience first prior to teaching it to others.