TRE® Global Certification Training – Module 1 (Prague, Czech Republic)


February 10, 2023 - February 12, 2023    
All Day


Be Balanced Centrum
Rybničná 1/18, Praha 6

Event Type


Vítejte na dvoudenním TRE® modulu I – pohlcujícím víkendu v Praze.
Poprvé zahajujeme školení modulů TRE® v České republice. Modul I lze využít čistě k prohloubení vlastního procesu TRE® a zároveň je prvním krokem v certifikačním programu směřujícím ke stání se Certifikovaným poskytovatelem TRE®.
Toto školení je zaměřeno na sebeléčení a seberozvoj pomocí TRE®. Víkend bude velmi praktický a je otevřený komukoli – s terapeutickým vzděláním i bez něj. Toto školení můžete absolvovat, aniž byste se zavázali pokračovat v certifikačním procesu směřujícím k získání titulu Certifikovaný poskytovatel TRE®. Po tomto tréninkovém víkendu budete schopni používat TRE® sami pro sebe jako svépomocný nástroj, protože vás naučí všechny teoretické základy potřebné pro dobrou a bezpečnou osobní praxi.
Toto školení Modul 1 bude probíhat v angličtině bez aktivního tlumočení během Modulu 1. Pokud si přejete zúčastnit se školení s tlumočením, přihlaste se prosím raději na M1 v Bratislavě na konci března. Skupiny budou spojené v M2 / M3 včetně tlumočení. Některé oficiální materiály ke školení TRE® jsou k dispozici s českým/slovenským překladem.

Welcome to this 2-day TRE® Module I – a weekend immersive in Prague

This training is open to anyone.

This Module 1 training will be given in English without active Interpretation during Module 1.
Should you wish to attend a training with interpretation, please instead sign up for the M1 in Bratislava end of March. The groups will be joint in M2 / M3 including interpretation

For the 1st time we are starting a TRE® Module-training in Czechia. Module I can be used purely for deepening of own TRE® process, as well as being the first step in the certification program moving towards being a Certified TRE® Provider.

This training is centred around self-healing and self-development with TRE®. The weekend will be very practical and is open to anyone – with or without a therapeutic background. You can take this training without committing to continue with the certification process towards becoming a Certified TRE® Provider.After this training-weekend, you will be able to use TRE® for yourself as a self-help tool, as it teaches you all the theoretical foundations needed for good and safe personal practice.

The training will be taught by DevaLaya Guleng, an international TRE® Certification Trainer, with several assistants

To deepen your personal process and to help you experiencing the tremors. Each morning and afternoon session you will be supported through the exercises and tremors. We will explore the theory behind the model.

Module 1 will include:

  • Introduction to TRE®
  • Introduction and deepening of personal tremoring experience
  • Anatomy, neurology and physiology of stress and trauma as it relates to TRE®
  • Understanding the tremor response
  • Introduction to the Polyvagal theory
  • Defence reactions as they relate to TRE®
  • Containment and grounding strategies

The way we work
There will be plenty of time for discussion and sharing of your experiences. We will also guide you in developing your skills so you can begin to support other people through the exercises.

Dates and times:

Module I
Friday, Feb 10 2023, 18:00 AM-20:00 PM 
Saturday, Feb 11 2023, 9:30AM – 5:30 PM (Lunch break 1 pm- 2:30 pm)
Sunday, Feb 12 2023, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Lunch break 1 pm – 2:30 pm)

you’ll need to be able to attend these dates if you wish to proceed towards being a certified TRE® Provider – if you for some reason have no possibility to attend these dates and wish to proceed with certification, please contact us)
NB! Depending of the size of the group from Prague February & Bratislava March we’ll most likely do Module 2 in Bratislava joint, and Module 3 in Prague joint! The MII/MIII days are 3 full days as extra time needed when training is interpreted fully.

MODULE II (Preliminary dates)
Thursday, June 15 2023, 9:30 AM-5:30 PM (Lunch break 1pm-2:30pm)
Friday, June 15 2023, 9:30AM – 5:30 PM (Lunch break 1 pm- 2:30 pm)
Saturday, June 17 2023, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Lunch break 1 pm – 2:30 pm)

Module III (Preliminary dates)
Thursday, Oct 12 2023, 9:30 AM-5:30 PM (Lunch break 1pm-2:30pm)
Friday, Oct 13 2023, 9:30AM – 5:30 PM (Lunch break 1 pm- 2:30 pm)
Saturday, Oct 14 2023, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Lunch break 1 pm – 2:30 pm)

Module I prices :
EARLY BIRD € 280 when full payment completed by Dec 1st 2022
any booking and payment completed from Dec 2nd 2022.

To continue with certification towards a TRE® Provider, you will need to attend the  3-day Module II & III  connected to the Module I you sign up for. As the Training is interpreted, the MII/MIII will be 3 full days. Additional costs will apply for required supervision sessions and literature/media.  The certification process is normally completed within 12-18 months from start of Module I.  For complete certification requirements, please read more here.

Limited spots available.
Secure your spot here

BeBalanced Centrum
Rybničná 1/18 (Praha 6)


Deva Laya GulengDevaLaya Guleng, International TRE® Certification Trainer
with assistants