Burlington New Jersey TRE/Sound Healing

Burlington New Jersey TRE/Sound Healing


June 24, 2019    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Trunks Up Yoga & Wellness
426 High Street, Burlington, New Jersey, 08106

Advanced TRE.  Open to advanced TRE students who have taken at least four TRE classes.  Learn new interventions for advancing your practice to the next level.   Every class includes breath work, aromatherapy, TRE, light and sound healing.  The class runs from 7 – 8:30 pm every Monday Evening at Trunks Up Yoga & Wellness, 426 High Street, Burlington, NJ.  Bring a yoga mat, a pillow, and a blanket and drench yourself in vibrational healing.  The class includes follow-up discussions.  Journaling and dream work is encouraged.   Learn how to quickly regain self-trust along with ability to discern energy.


Return to a sense of balance or coming “HOME” to yourself allows discernment and that GUT TRUST of what energy is yours and what belongs to another.  Self-regulation is KEY to thriving in life, for overcoming life’s daily challenges or for regulating those around you. As a co-regulator you learn to re-discover what it feels like to be grounded, to walk in gratitude and to welcome life’s obstacles as opportunities for growth.  As a co-regulator you become aware of how your senses have been pulling you towards addiction and co-dependency.  As you re-align and column your energy, you find PRESENT-CENTERED energy that allows for living joyfully, for acting eagerly in pursuit of your life’s purpose.  Please RSVP to reserve your spot.  SPACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 20 RSVPs.  Energy Exchange:  $20


Private sessions as well as privately arranged group sessions are available by appointment only.

On-Line Sessions are available upon request as well.

