TRE® Provider List Search Results

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    Phone +66802596631
    City Chiang Mai
    State Chiang Mai
    Country Thailand
    Profession Trainer
    Languages Spoken English, French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Lori Ann (B.A. Psych) is passionate about the significant results of self-healing holistic therapies and has become renowned for her ability to establish a safe and nurturing environment in which deep natural healing can occur, both physically and emotionally. An internationally certified TRE® provider since 2011, she has taught TRE® to hundreds of clients both privately and in groups and is a TRE® Certification Trainer working with many Trainees globally and leading TRE®Thailand.
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    Country Brazil
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
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    Phone 00393331418768
    City London
    State United Kingdom
    Country United Kingdom, Italy, Serbia
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken Croatian, English, Italian, Serbian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Cheda has studied, worked and taught in the field of Complementary Medicine for nearly 30 years. He was an athlete and has specialised in Bodywork, Naturopathy, Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy and TRE® (Tension and trauma release exercises), amongst many other disciplines that he has studied. His passion and teaching is in using a range of complementary, verbal and body-oriented skills, to assist in resolving biological, somatic and psycho- emotional imbalances. His personalised treatments combine TRE®, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Emotional awareness, and Trauma work through specific body movements, to support clients in aligning to their authentic self expression. He works and teaches in the UK, Italy and Internationally.
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    Phone +31 6 51 601 305
    City Den Bosch
    State Noord Brabant
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Bio Doomernik Marc: Clients describe Marc as “Possessing a lot of knowledge, practical, open-minded, honest, smart, alert, caring, someone with a fine sense of humor who approaches difficult problems in a light-hearted way” Marc’s training includes NLP, Systemic Work, Family and Organizational Constellations, Solution Focused Coaching,PMA (Progressive Mental Alignment) , TA, RET, TRE (Tension Release Exercises), MBK, PSBK en Cranio Sacraal Therapie.
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    Phone +66 646093060
    City Chiangmai
    State Chiangmai
    Country Brazil, Colombia, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist, Educator, Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner, Trainer, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I love to teach TRE® as a simple and powerful way of reconnecting with the innate health-recovering wisdom of the body. As a Trauma Therapist, I also integrate TRE® with other somatic and systemic modalities, such as SE® (Somatic Experiencing) and the KReST Model, and Bioenergetic Analysis to support heal peoples healing journey.
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    Phone 07956307710
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Body Worker
    Bio This is Toni Vyse Bio Info
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    City Pisa
    Country Italy
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, German, Italian, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Primary Certification Trainer for Italy since 2007 and Croatia since 2017. Riccardo holds a master degree in biological sciences and a doctorate degree in neurophysiology. He is one of TRE’s main teachers in Europe since 2007. He trained extensively under the guidance of David Berceli and he is also actively involved in scientific research on neurogenic bodywork and psychophysiology. Following his years of medical research activity in Europe and in the USA for the National Institutes of Health, his scientific work with athletes for the Italian National Olympics Committee, and driven from his own necessity to heal from trauma, he was led to integrate the knowledge and technology of modern medicine with the art of alternative healing. He is further experienced with and uses many other therapeutic modalities such as biofeedback training, applied kinesiology, hatha yoga, etc... "With his doctoral degree in neurophysiology Riccardo is a very skilled teacher who can perfectly blend his unique perspective on neuroscience in his teaching of TRE." David Berceli, developer of TRE Bio in italiano:
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    Phone +31 628 49 08 73
    City Castricum
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Born in New Zealand, I have been living in Holland since 1996 and have been studying massage, human movement, yoga and meditation since 1998. Yoga has inspired me to continuously search for what it means to be free within my body and my mind. In 2011 this search led me to Katy Bowman MS, creator of Aligned and Well and Restorative Exercise™ and David Berceli, creator of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). David Berceli's work has inspired my journey into TRE, I am currently a level II practitioner of this beautiful technique. My philosophy is 'the simpler the better', teach to empower, to reawaken the inherent wisdom and intelligence that we all contain. Contact: Lucienne van Leeuwen
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    Phone 097443518
    City Santiago
    Country Chile
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken Spanish
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    Phone +43 664 243 64 62
    City Vienna
    State Vienna
    Country Austria
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist, Medical-Doctor
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Certified TRE Trainer/Physician/Bioenergetic Therapist/CEO Gesundheitsschule Hildegard von Bingen, Austria
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    Phone 705-325-2055
    City Toronto
    State Ontario
    Country Canada, USA
    Profession Trainer
    Languages Spoken English, French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Judy teaches regularly in Toronto, has taught in Kingston,Kitchener and Saskatoon and is willing to travel to throughout Canada and the US to teach classes. She is an Inner Relationship Focusing Trainer, a BodyTalk Practitioner, and has a background in movement re-education, energy work, training and organizational change. She also works as a painter and assemblage maker. She holds an MASc in Human Relations. A unique and memorable feature of her classes is that they are accompanied by the live improvised digital piano music of Michael Jones, Pianoscapes.
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    Phone 056 9 7005425
    City Santiago
    State Santiago
    Country Chile
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken Spanish
    Bio This is Vivian Carter Bio Info
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    Phone 0031613444581
    City Amsterdam
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio For more than a decade Daan has worked with people with all kinds of physical complaints related to posture, such as issues in the lower back, the neck, the arms (Repetitive Strain Injuries) and in the pelvis. Studying TRE was like finding a missing link: a down-to-earth way to release tension, that is accessible to all, that doesn’t require discussing “the stories” ánd that you can do by yourself. It enables people to manage their own stress level. With all the clients Daan has worked with, she is continually amazed at how the TRE process is creating space in physical presence, enabling people to experience the feeling of living in their body as well as in their brain. “You don’t have to think how to do it, you don’t have to know how to do it, your body knows.“ Daan is a TRE Certification Trainer she offers TRE trainings, workshops, classes and private TRE sessions in her own studio in Amsterdam as well as via Zoom.
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    Phone 00492605961597
    City Lehmen near Koblenz
    State Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz
    Country Germany
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, German, Italian
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I teach TRE one-on-one to traumatized clients and also in group settings for stress reduction. 2014 I have started an offer called: “Reduce Stress in Your Profession”. It's speciallly for people working in the area of health-care.
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    Phone December 19, 1996 7:40 pm
    City Dublin
    State Dublin
    Country Ireland
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, French, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Advanced TRE Practitioner - Cranio-sacral Reflexologist (CSRI) - and *NEW* - QEC practitioner Quantum Energy Coaching. Experienced with addictions, mental health and all Chronic Conditions. Also : Autism, Asperger's and ASD. Trauma-informed approach. ACEs. Ireland's premier TRE Practitioner. First with QEC. Passionate about children and women's rights. Mission Statement is to offer TRE® to as many people as possible and to be available, flexible and affordable. REF: the languages set out below: will also work with DEAF people (including Skype) and BLIND people (in person)
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    State British Columbia
    Country Canada
    Profession Licensed-Massage-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Currently in training to be a TRE Certification Trainer; I am a Registered Massage Therapist, in practice for over 20 years, treatment focus Full Body Fascial Facilitation, Cranial Sacral therapy, Orthobionomy, Muscle Energy Technique. My clients report that TRE is very effective to augment therapy.
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    Phone 00436647908915
    City Innsbruck
    State Tirol
    Country Austria
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio certitified tre trainer, psychotherapist, bioenergetic therapist; professional experience with children, youth and families.
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    Phone +44 07788 413070
    City Banbury, Oxford, Leamington Spa
    State The Midlands
    Country United Kingdom, Lithuania
    Profession Body Worker, Educator, Nurse, Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I offer 1-1 sessions and regular classes in TRE® online and in Oxford, I run TRE® trainings in Bristol, I offer individual and group Supervision for trainees and Certified Providers (zoom/in person).
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    Phone September 24, 1990 9:11 pm
    City Groningen
    State Nederland
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English, German
    Online Sessions No
    Bio This is Frank Mauritz Info
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    Phone 0047 97958797
    City Oslo
    Country Norway
    Profession Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Senior assistant in Somatic Experiencing, SEP. Gestalt psykoterapeut, nevroafektivpsykoterapeut, Brainspotting and EMDR. Working with TRE and integrate all my scills and work with TRE.
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    Phone +39 3934824916
    City Bologna
    State BOLOGNA
    Country Italy
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English, Italian, Portuguese
    Bio Laureato in Scienze dell'Educazione, educatore in ambito scolastico con bambini con disabilità. Assiste a vari Workshop con David Berceli e con Riccardo Cassiani Ingoni (TRE Trainer), in vari paesi europei: Portogallo, Spagna, Austria e Italia. Inizia nel 2014 un percorso di studio sulla psicomotricità educativa. Segue piccoli gruppi con classi di esercizi TRE a Bologna. Graduated in Education, Matteo is an educator at schools with children with special needs. He attends David Berceli and Riccardo Cassiani Ingoni (TRE Trainer) in several Workshops in various European countries: Portugal, Spain, Austria and Italy. He starts in 2014 to study psychomotor education. Following classes with small groups of TRE in Bologna.
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    Phone 04204 7581
    City Thedinghausen
    State Niedersachsen
    Country Germany
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English, German, Portuguese
    Online Sessions 1
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    Phone 55-81-9997212019 and 55-81-32683596
    City Recife
    State Pernambuco
    Country Brazil
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Portuguese, Spanish
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    Phone +49 (0)228-815 84 55
    City Niederkassel
    State Germany/Nordrhein-Westfalen
    Country Germany
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English, French, German
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Conductor, Holistic Consultant, Healing Practitioner, Certified TRE-Provider. Practiced conducting orchestras and choirs, singing, acting and stand-up comedy worldwide lots of years on numerous stages. Being fascinated by the relationship between voice und personality, between orchestras and companies/corporate management, I started to find out more about personal development and the healthful impacts of music, first of all the human voice. That lead via manifold advanced trainings and practices to my work as an Holistic Consultant for business and personal nowadays. I live to see TRE as a wonderful instrument in accompanying people to spread out their touching and delightful music of their inner self and to turn the magical ,concert hall body‘ back into its resonant and tuneful capabilities. Furthermore I sample TRE while guiding the clients back into their self-efficacy in using the deep wisom of the body-system.
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    Phone +45 27 34 59 82
    City Frederiksberg
    Country Denmark, Poland, Sweden
    Profession Clinical Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Danish, English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Born 1965, psychotherapeutic practice since 2000. Clinical Psychologist (University of Copenhagen), level III TRE Trainer (tension and trauma releasing exercises) from Germany, certified bioenergetic psychotherapist from Germany (under The International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis) and further education in Orgontherapy in Berlin. I have had further education in Denmark within different kinds of traumatherapeutic schools. I’m also a schoolteacher specialized in the subjects Sports and Music. I work parttime in my private practice (in Copenhagen and Berlin), and parttime as psychologist in The Danish MS Society (a patient organization for people with Multiple Sclerosis), where I also use TRE. Apart from that I write articles about bodyorientated psychotherapy and about complementary and alternative medicine. I have lived 5 years in Berlin, where I among other things did bodyorientated psychotherapeutic work with psychiatric patients.
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    City Phoenix
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
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    Phone +49 228 9093892
    City Troisdorf/ Bonn
    State Germany/ NRW
    Country Germany
    Profession Trainer
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio As a trainer for all kinds of athletics and fitness for over 20 years I have noticed, that bringing the body back to its natural order and upright standing position has corresponding effects on someone ́s mind and soul. Today, I am guiding people to health and personal growth with my holistic coachin
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    Phone +47 91789508
    City Bekkestua
    Country Norway
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, German, Norwegian
    Bio Profession: Voice teacher and Massage therapist. Author of two textbooks about training of the singing voice: «Sangeleven i fokus». I’m certified as TRE Level ll Provider. Assosiated with The Diamond Approach ( ).
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    City Birmingham / Solihull
    State West Midlands
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Since 2005 Claire has been working in the UK as a Play Therapist and Clinical Supervisor for other therapists. She discovered TRE after her own car crash and has since used it in working with mums who had experienced trauma for her MA research. She loves empowering people to discover TRE safely.
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    Phone +6567377238
    City Singapore
    State Singapore
    Country Singapore
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken Chinese, English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio I am a Physiotherapist, and a Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist. I have also bunked up my body with distance running, and being hit by cars whilst out running. The cars ran the light... TRE is a wonderful and powerful modality to experience our bodies, and to access the innate and inherent wisdom we all possess within our physiology to enable healing, towards Health and Well being- Body, Emotion, and Spirit. That which makes us HUMAN! TRE has assisted my clients to uncover what has been locked into the soma (body), to negotiate chronic musculoskeletal pain patterning and dysfunction, and in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury to better manage the hypertonus which locks the person down physically, and impacts function and the human spirit. .....As I have done for myself! Discover TRE for yourselves!
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    Phone 604-817-5031
    City North Vancouver
    State British Columbia
    Country Canada
    Profession Nurse
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio I am passionate about holistic health and our capacity to naturally heal . I have practiced integrated health for over 20 years and am very excited to offer TRE in my sessions . My background for 25 years was in acute community and palliative nursing. I now have a private practice. I teach groups and individuals to access their own strengths and healing using holistic methods. I am trained in TRE level 2, Shiatsu ,healing touch and crainial sacral therapy.I also offer movement , meditation and creative art expression into my sessions . Each session or class is uniquely tailored for the individual or group. I have worked with a variety of people that are looking to release stress of daily life, to people facing life challanges such as anxiety,berievement,abuse and addiction. I feel honoured to help support empowernment of self healing.
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    Phone +49 - 4204 - 1552
    City Thedinghausen
    State Niedersachsen
    Country Germany
    Profession Social-Worker
    Languages Spoken English, German
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    Phone 0031(6)41465514
    City Franeker
    State Friesland
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English, French, German
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio This is jette Begeer Bio Info
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    Phone 0039 349 6697549
    Country Italy
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, Italian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Certified T.R.E. Provider and Local Trainer. I graduated at the Boulder School of Massage Therapy, in Boulder, CO, USA in 1988. I completed the Cranio Sacral Therapy in 1996 and I’m a Trager practitioner since 2000.
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    Phone 0031-(0)626196249
    City Nijmegen
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
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    Phone +45 40 54 33 83
    City St. Merløse
    Country Denmark
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
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    City Haarlem
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio This is Laura Sinnema Bio Info
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    Phone 902-314-1180
    City Charlottetown
    State Prince Edward Island
    Country Canada
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio This is Sherri Barrett Bio Info
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    Phone February 28, 2077 9:26 am
    City Tolmezzo
    State Udine
    Country Italy
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken Italian
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Gestalt counselor
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    Phone 004954439986964
    City Lemförde
    State Niedersachsen
    Country Germany
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, German
    Bio I'm a psychologist since 2000, psychodynamic psychotherapist since 2007 and Bioenergetic Therapist CBT since 2018, working in my own office with adults (individuals an groups). additional qualifications: analytic dance therapy, humanistic psychotherapy, focusing.
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    Phone +32 495321292
    City Puurs-Sint-Amands
    State Antwerpen
    Country Belgium
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English, French, German
    Bio Ik ben Annik Van Sande- erkend psychologe (KUL 1986, erkenningsnummer 642111285). Ik werk vanop een individueel ontwikkelingsgerichte basis met een toolbox aan technieken en methodieken uit een breed spectrum: van eerder cognitief gedragstherapeutisch tot meer lichaamsgericht tot werken met onbewuste inhouden. Zeer veel van de klachten die de klanten brengen hebben te maken met gevolgen van stress en trauma. TRE is daarom voor mij essentieel: op zich en als ondersteuning voor andere technieken. Veel gebrachte thema's: burnout, perfectionisme, hoogsensitief/ hoogbegaafd, loopbaan ... Centraal staat voor mij de ontwikkeling van ieder uniek individu. En TRE is daarbij fundamenteel helpend.
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    Phone +4799526481
    City Oslo
    Country Norway
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
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    Phone 902 569 3601
    City Alexandra
    State Prince Edward Island
    Country Canada
    Profession Occupational-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Jude Driscoll retired from Occupational Therapy in 2018. She has extensive experience working in rehabilitation with adults and children. Adults with MS or children with attention difficulty and their parents are advised to try the TRE option. Judr has taken 5 international Advanced TRE trainings . She welcomes inquiries on her Facebook page which is TRE Driscoll Jude PEI Canada Available only on Prince Edward Island from May to November.
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    City Bad Wurzach
    State Germany/ Baden-Württemberg
    Country Germany
    Profession Clergy Theologian
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Bio Protestant priest, Military chaplain, Depth pychologist, marriage and live counsellor (EKFuL), Training in Bioenergetic Analyse (NIBA e.V.), Alternative practitioner for psychological therapy, TRE Practitioner A/B-Zertifizierung (Level II), TRE Trainer (Level III)
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    Phone +45 21265257
    City Odense
    Country Denmark, Mexico
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio In 1992 I graduated as a gestalt therapist and as an organizational consultant. Since then I have had my own practice, where I work with organizations, individuals, couples and groups. In 2007 i graduated as a coach, and 2 years later as a TRE provider, which I consider a very useful supplement in my work as a psychotherapist. TRE has gradually become a bigger and quite important part of may practice, and in Mexico and Kurdistan I teach the TRE both professionally and as voluntary worker. I have extensive experience in the world of theatre, working on organizational issues with interactive theatre in Denmark (ref., and in psychiatry, where I have worked for many years. Today I am an advanced TRE provider, and now the TRE has become the most important part of my practice. I am a member of the Danish Psychotherapy Association.
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    Phone 00447970878321
    City London
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Chiropractor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Steve Haines has been a bodyworker for over 20 years. He is the author of the award winning ‘Anxiety Is Really Strange’, part of a series of graphic books that include ‘Pain Is Really Strange’ and ‘Trauma Is Really Strange’. Understanding the science of pain and trauma has transformed his approach to healing. He has studied Yoga, Shiatsu, Craniosacral Therapy, and Trauma Releasing Exercises TRE®. He is a UK registered Chiropractor and teaches TRE and Cranial all over the world. His treatments now use education, embodied awareness, and light touch to help people move more freely and be more present. Steve lives and works between London and Geneva. facebook: 'Pain, Trauma and Anxiety are Really Strange' (@bodycollege) Pop over follow me, I post regularly on pain, trauma and anxiety instagram: stevehaines66 web:  Courses and webinars on how to feel and cranial work. Treatments London and Geneva. 'Is Really Strange' Comic Books web:  Teaching of TRE® Trauma Releasing Exercises
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    City Westoverledingen
    Country Germany
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist
    Languages Spoken German
    Online Sessions 1
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    Phone +45 20119406
    City Roskilde
    Country Denmark
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Bio I was Born in 1965. Live in Denmark near Roskilde. In 2005 certified as a NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Master-Therapist. Teach Personal development and has clients in therapy. Have had great success with TRE – have used the technique on my clients, for 5 years. Trained TRE with David Berceli in 2010/2011 and is a TRE Providers level 2.
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    Phone +3938890755087
    City Portobuffolè
    State Treviso
    Country Italy
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, Italian
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E ESPERIENZA LAVORATIVA • Date (da – a) DAL 1987 AL 1997 DAL 1998 AL 2002 • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Airri – Pordenone Ospedale Giovanni XXIII - Monastier • Tipo di azienda o settore Medicina Convenzionata Ospedale Convenzionato • Tipo di impiego Responsabile Fisioterapiosti Responsabile del Servizio di Fisioterapia • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Coordinamento e organizzazione del Servizio per entrambe le situazioni lavorative. ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE • Date (da – a) Nel 2005 Dal 1998 al 2004 Dal 1982 al 1985 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Università degli Studi di Chieti Istituto Italiano di Osteopatia – Milano Scuola Regionale di Fisioterpia presso Ospedale Gervasutta - Udine • Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello studio Medicina manuale • Qualifica conseguita Laurea in Fisioterapia Osteopata DO Diploma di Terapista della Riabilitazione
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    Phone +0045 61997139
    City Hirtshals
    Country Denmark
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Jeg er uddannet sygeplejerske i 1991 og har efteruddannet mig til psykoterapeut i 2010. Jeg er nuværende i gang med at læse en online Europæisk Master i alkohol- og narkotika indsatser ved Aarhus Universitet. Jeg er medlem af Dansk Psykoterapeutforening og arbejder under deres etiske regelsæt. Jeg har flere års erfaring indenfor psykiatrien og arbejder nu som misbrugsbehandler i et fængsel, samtidig med at jeg har egen psykoterapeutisk praksis, hvor jeg overvejende modtager mennesker med mellemlange videregående uddannelser (lærere, pædagoger, socialrådgivere og sundhedfagligt personale), som typisk lider af stress og angst. Desuden modtager jeg en del yngre mennesker med eksistentielle problematikker. Jeg tilbyder TRE individuelt og til grupper, og benytter TRE til personale og klienter i fængsels regi, lige som jeg benytter TRE i eget privat regi. If you want an english version, please contact me.
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