TRE® Provider List Search Results

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    Phone +393756700300
    City MESSINA
    State MESSINA
    Country Italy
    Profession Trainer
    Languages Spoken English, Italian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Professional singer for 20 years, I'm now interested to offer T.R.E. as a tool to release stress and emotional tension from stage performances
    Full Bio DOWNLOAD
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    Phone +905326037245
    City Miribel
    State France
    Country Austria, France, Italy, Turkey
    Profession Body Worker, Educator, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Psychologist, Social-Worker, Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner, Teacher, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, French, Turkish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Defne Erdur is a mover, researcher and a therapist working in the fields of performing arts, health and education. She is trained in Contemporary Dance (PhD), Sociology (BA,MA), Inter-modal Expressive Art Therapy and Creativity, Meditation (World Peace Initiative), and Trauma Healing (Somatic Experiencing, Integral Somatic Psychology, Full Embodiment, TRE, Deep Tissue Release & Trigger Point Massage Therapy). Having worked with pioneers in Somatics and different theraupetic modalities, she is actively practicing and researching towards a deeper understanding of the body as a bio-psycho-social whole. Invested in building trustful, peaceful & creative environments; the prospect of all her work is to mediate people to relate to their own self and accompany them in their physical, mental, emotional processes towards wellbeing. More information can be found at
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    City Napier
    State Hawke's Bay
    Country New Zealand
    Profession Body Worker, Educator, Energy Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Life-Coach, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Hi! Anaru here with TRE (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises) Having a background in education, personal coaching, massage therapy and intuitive energy healing - I find myself so excited about the incredible intelligence our physical body has! Just like trauma is in the body, so too is our "safe harbour", and TRE is the vehicle to help us find it. If you'd like to explore the gentle rhythmic shaking mechanism which brings you back to a state of ease - come and join me for an experience of TRE. I'd love to share it with you.
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    Phone 0041763609723
    City Geneva
    State Suisse romande
    Country Switzerland
    Profession Life-Coach, Psychologist, Trainer, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, German, Persian, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Enhance your physical and mental well-being - Free yourself from the impact of stress and trauma with Yasmin Farhoumand, Psychologist, Relational Intelligence® therapist, certified TRE® practitioner, life-coach and singer. With over 25 years of experience accompanying hundreds of people from all walks of life, I've honed the skill of unlocking and maximizing everyone's unique potential. My work's quality and integrity are also rooted in my own healing journey, including continuous training in trauma-informed, psychological and somatic therapies. I offer in-person TRE® sessions for individuals and groups, in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as online sessions via Zoom video conferencing. Looking forward to accompanying you on your healing journey!
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    Website I am working on it
    Phone 0031617395420
    City Breda
    State West Brabant
    Country Netherlands, USA
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a nurse, Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and psychosocial therapist, and since august 2023 certified as TRE provider! I love to do more and more bodywork with people, for I see the wonderful and integrating benefit of integrating and go beyond words and explanations and instead see what the body has to say and integrate the body, mind, emotions etcetera as a whole being.
    Full Bio DOWNLOAD
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    Phone 1-310-663-7068
    City Los Angeles
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Energy Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, Slovenian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and worked in systems engineering for 18 years. I am also Licensed Massage Therapist for the last 20 years. I use my knowledge as an analyst and problem solver to help people become more functional and empowered.
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    Phone 1 (802) 380-9429
    City South Burlington
    State Vermont
    Country USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As a Peer Support Specialist, I find connecting with clients from my lived experience meaningful. I was first introduced to TRE by Jay Gleason in 2014 and began to integrate TRE into my daily life in 2021. The effect on my wellness has been significant, and I decided to get certified to bring this highly accessible tool to a broader population. Through my training with Sarah Ronhovde, based in British Columbia, Canada, I deepened my practice and learned how to safely and effectively share the gift of TRE with others. I am passionate about sharing a message of hope and recovery.
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    Phone +32 473 24 20 80
    City Brussels
    State Brussels
    Country Belgium
    Profession Trainer, Therapist, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English, French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I offer grief counselling and stress management counselling for individuals and groups. My approach is both body oriented and verbal. I'm a trainer in Nonviolent Communication and offer in company workshops. Trained as a mental health professional, I have experience working in mental health clinics and the humanitarian field, where I offered emotional support and stress prevention training to humanitarian workers of Doctors Without Borders.
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    Phone 07713401961
    City Tonbridge
    State Kent
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My training and work in recent years as a yoga and meditation teacher led me to explore TRE to further support me. When TRE rapidly transformed my allergies, helped my physical injuries and boosted my emotional resilience and movement through bereavement I was drawn to train as a TRE Provider to share the wonders of TRE with others. This move to TRE Provider and yoga & meditation teacher comes after many years as a chartered accountant working first in investment banking, then in the charity sector, and, finally in establishing and running a company supporting workplace wellbeing. In those years my body gave numerous signs that I was holding on to tension and trauma - signs I repeatedly ignored. I believe TRE gave me the awareness and freedom to view things through a new lens and better support my health and wellbeing. I offer TRE to individuals and groups in person and on-line and I offer yoga and meditation classes to individuals and groups in person.
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    Phone +4523744329
    City Rønne
    State Bornholm
    Country Denmark
    Profession Nurse
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Nurse, therapist, mindfulness- and yoga instructor and TRE-provider.
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    Phone +27659227340
    City Pretoria
    State Gauteng
    Country South Africa
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio With a passion to bring healing to a world that is in pain, I have met the ideal modality in TRE®. It not only offers release from stress, tension and trauma through facilitation, but, once learnt, empowers individuals with a technique they can use on their own at home. I work with both children and adults, focusing on ADHD/ADD and other stress-related conditions. Having experienced my own pain and suffering with Fibromyalgia, I am aware of the debilitating consequence that trauma can have on the body. TRE® has had a profound effect in my recovery and healing process.
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    Phone +447534733497
    City Motherwell
    State Scotland
    Country Scotland
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Life-Coach, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a Certified TRE Provider, Meditation teacher and Mindfulness based Life Coach. I spent 6 years living and working at a Mindful Recovery Centre in Thailand where I seen first hand the power of giving and working from a donation based model. I have worked with hundreds of clients from around the world who were struggling with anxiety, depression, burnout, addiction and other issues that come from living in the modern world. Using TRE, Mindfulness, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and my own personal experience of stress, anxiety and depression, I can relate deeply to my clients and can help inspire their own journey of healing, change and personal development.
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    Phone +4542947674
    City Vester Nebel
    State Egtved
    Country Denmark
    Profession Psychotherapist, Social-Worker
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Jeg er uddannet TRE® provider hos TRE® Danmark, og tilbyder 1:1 sessioner samt gruppe forløb med TRE®. I mine sessioner kombinerer jeg TRE® med min psykoterapeutiske baggrund, der blandt andet bygger på en 4-årig psykoterapeutisk uddannelsen, inden for den eksistentielle, dynamiske og fænomenologiske tilgang. Det er min oplevelse at mange klienter efter en TRE® session, gennem den kropslige forløsning, kommer i kontakt med problemstillinger fra deres levede liv, som de gerne vil have sat ord på. Mine TRE® sessioner afsluttes derfor altid med tid til samtaleterapi, der giver klienten muligheden for, i sessionen, at arbejde såvel med kroppen som sindet ud fra en holistisk tankegang.
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    Phone +4367761780469
    City Vienna
    State Austria
    Country Austria
    Profession Teacher
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My background as an academic researcher and lecturer studying psycho-physiological responses to stress and emotions in humans and animals has sparked my interest on practical solutions in coping with challenge. The integrated knowledge of how experiences shape our hormones, heart rate, muscle tension and breathing patterns paved my way to become a biofeedback practitioner, TRE® provider and breath coach. I am fascinated by the interplay of mental and bodily states, behavior and well-being and eager to share my knowledge and experiences! What I enjoy most in TRE® is the simplicity of the method and the high effectiveness!
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    Phone 0040728962673
    City Brasov
    State Brasov
    Country Romania
    Profession Body Worker, Therapist, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English, Romanian
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Georgiana is a TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) Provider located in the heart of Romania, in Brasov, but also offering private and group sessions in Buzau. She is also a Yoga Instructor, a Yoga Therapist and a software developer: a beautiful and magical mix of Yin & Yang. 😀 The session and workshops she offers will combine yoga ventral vagal breathing and grounding practices with the TRE® process. This will help a lot in self-regulating and in creating a deeper connection with your own body, it will help you come back to yourself, to your home, to your own body.
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    Phone +27817772928
    City Honeydew
    State Gauteng
    Country South Africa
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a professional business person up to NED level. Even though I have experienced trauma throughout my life, I only came to the realization that I have to do something about it a year ago. TRE (R) have not only changed my life, I have been witness to the life changes in others too. Be You.
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    Phone 004560669066
    City Foevling
    State Esbjerg
    Country Denmark, USA
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    City Harare
    Country New Zealand, Zimbabwe
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +27824415860
    City Johannesburg
    State Gauteng
    Country South Africa
    Profession Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My rich journey through childhood, marriage, motherhood and divorce has given me a huge amount of insight and compassion for others in their plight to remember who they are naturally and effortlessly in a world that is constantly nudging us away from the light. As an author, speaker, professional photographer, and a transformation facilitator, I focus all facets of my work on teaching people how to understand who they are, naturally, and to live authentically from the inside out. I use various modalities in my practice as a facilitator: intuitive life coaching, Numerology, the Inquiry Work by Byron Katie, Family Constellations (by German psychologist, Bert Hellinger), Internal Family Systems (Dr Richard C. Schwartz, PhD), and last but certainly not least, TRE – a trauma releasing technique developed by Dr David Berceli, PhD. I find TRE to be a simple yet profoundly complex and transformative process that has enabled me to release the clutter that didn't serve me, and fully embody change and a new way of being.
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    Phone +82 010-3237-0916
    City 경기도
    State 부천시
    Country South Korea
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken South Korean
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio <font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;">*통합 예술 심리 상담학과 졸업 </font><cisco class="cisco-parent"><cisco class="cisco-source" style="display:display;"><cisco class="cisco-source" style="display:display:">*의 파일입니다.</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"></font><display class="display-parent"><display class="display-source" style="display:display:discovery;"> *</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"></font>*통합 예술 심리 상담학과 졸업</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;">*한국 사이코 드라마 심리 상담사 </font></display class="display-parent"><display class="display-source" style="display:display:display;">*</display class="display-parent">><<<"display:display:display clash;<"display class"display:"display:"display:"display-"displaydisplay:none;">*한국 사이코 드라마 심리 상담사</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"></font></http://http://http://http://http:</font></filename> </filename://filename://filename://filename://</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"><http://http://http:</font><http://http://timeout:</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"><http://source&quot; style="display:"><http://http:/http:/http:/http:/http:/http:/http:/http:/http:/http:/http://</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"></font>*한국 사이코 드라마 심리 상담사</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;">*미술, 독서, 영화, 사진, 색채, 푸드아트등 다양한 분야에 </font><source://source" 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communication)</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"></font>*폭력적이지 않은 의사소통)</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"> 에서 NVC1, NVC2, NVC3,</font></filename></filename://filename class="syago-source" style="display:">*display:">*display:">*display:"(비폭력 커뮤니케이션)>*display:"/filename-parent class">>>>><<>><>>><> class="sysago-source" style="display:display;"> 에서 NVC1, NVC2, NVC3,</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"> IIT과정을 수료 </font>IIT과정을 수료</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;"></font></filename></font></filename></filename></font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" style="display:none;">*Ovilename></filename class="filename-parent"><filename class="filename-source" style="display:">>>>>NVC1, NVC2, NVC3, IIT</font><font class="papago-parent"><font class="papago-source" 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    Phone +447947882262
    City London
    State London
    Country Australia, United Kingdom
    Profession Body Worker, Energy Worker, Feldenkrais-Practitioner, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Hi, I'm Michael. I am a certified 350hr yoga teacher influenced by Ashtanga Vinyasa, Rocket Yoga, Anusara, Tantra, Yin and Qigong. I am also trained in Reiki and Level 2 Mystery School infusing elements of somatic movement therapy into my 1-1 sessions with clients, particularly guiding clients to find their tremors and shaking beginning from a place of stillness and spontaneity as well as the traditional exercises in TRE. I am big believer in using all the different tools of grounding, resourcing and self-regulation with clients to optimise health and wellbeing.
    Full Bio DOWNLOAD
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    Phone 1-989-423-9835
    City Saint Louis
    State Michigan
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My passion as a Clinical Social Worker/Psychotherapist is to help people of all ages heal from the traumas of their past and to be empowered to be both physically and emotionally present so they can enjoy today and look forward to their future. My educational journey in the field of trauma work led me to TRE and I have been excited to see how life-changing it can be for not only emotional traumas and stressors, but for physical ones as well.
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    Phone +45 60176743
    City Aarhus
    Country Denmark
    Profession Pegagogue
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Since I was teen I have been working with Reiki healing, Yoga and Dance. In my late twenties, I got a bachelor's degree pedagogy, and combine it with yoga and families. Now in my midt forties in the late summer 2023 I became TRE provider.
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    Phone +1-705-626-3367
    City Sudbury
    State Ontario
    Country Canada
    Profession Nurse, Psychotherapist, Teacher, Therapist, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Teresa Naseba Marsh immigrated to Canada from South Africa in 1992 and continued to contribute to Healing approaches to overcome suffering, trauma, addiction, historical trauma, and the aftermath of oppression. In her books, “Enlightenment is Letting Go! Healing from Trauma, Addiction and Multiple Loss” and the recently released, “The Courage of a Nation; Healing from Intergenerational Trauma, Addiction and Multiple Loss,” Teresa continues her dedication to this field by teaching people how to heal through participatory action, ancient spiritual methods, poetry and the telling of stories. Teresa’s work is grounded in treating humanity holistically and embracing social accountability. Her recent work over the last twenty years in Vancouver and the North continues to expose her passion, dedication and compassion for this work. She is an inspiration to health care
    Full Bio DOWNLOAD
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    City Winterthur
    State Zürich
    Country Switzerland
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio "Your body is right! Always!" That is the most important lesson I have learned in my life. Hi! I'm Daniela and I work as a nervous system coach with people with chronic illness. I got diagnosed with MS myself during the final exams of my neuropsychology studies and decided to specialize in the mind-body connection. The heart of my work is psychoneuroimmunology, combining nutrition and lifestyle with TRE as the heart of nervous system regulation! (I myself have been medication free for 12 years and relapse free for 8 years now). I am happy to share my knowledge with you!
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    Phone +27763266822
    City Johannesburg
    State South Africa
    Country South Africa
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    City Usa City
    State Oita
    Country Japan
    Profession Business Professional, Executive Coach, Life-Coach, Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner, Trainer
    Languages Spoken English, Japanese
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Rina is a professional coach to serve global clients across the world. She is a Newfield Ontological Certified Coach and also the ICF PCC coach. As an ontological coach that takes into account of somatic being of a client, Rina is passionate to integrate the experience of TRE as an offering to clients to embody their new learning about themselves, at the same time letting go of the energies and the stress that need releasing before moving onto the new actions.
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    Phone 821095696261
    City Nam-gu
    State Pohang-si Gyeongsangbuk-do
    Country South Korea
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken South Korean
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a coach of the South Korea Coach Association and I am TRE provider
  • Email
    Phone 618.540.8577
    City Magnolia
    State Texas
    Country USA
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
  • Email
    Phone +4542751313
    City Vordingborg
    State SJælland
    Country Denmark
    Profession Occupational-Therapist
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Jeg arbejder som ergoterapeut og TRE provider i en kommunal indsats der tilbyder TRE sessioner til sygemeldte borgere og borgere der har udfordringer i forhold til arbejdsmarkedet.
  • Email
    Phone +1 203 233 4733
    City Madison
    State Connecticut
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Having first tried TRE on a whim of curiosity, Amy’s later experience of cultural trauma while living abroad deepened her appreciation for the power of neurogenic tremoring, which then sparked her desire to be able to offer this practice to her students as a previously established teacher of Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin, passionate about transformation through movement. Amy is dual certified in TRE and Neurogenic Yoga, allowing her the flexibility to creatively combine her entire background of yoga teaching with neurogenic tremoring for custom-fit classes within a safe and supportive environment. She teaches in-person and online through her company Full Lotus Yoga.
  • Email
    Phone 18452022362
    City Monsey
    State New York
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I'm a mother of 5 kids. I went through a lot of trauma in my life. After years of trying traditional therapy, I finally learned about TRE which has saved my life! I love TRE and am very passionate about this amazing self help tool which helps me destress every day! I love to see people's lives transform like mine did!
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    State Alabama
    Country USA
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Valerie Edgar, CCI, HWC, FNC, HP, my interest in the Health & Wellness Community developed after discovering the positive and negative impacts that our daily nutritional routine has on our body. I became curious about the root cause of illnesses in the body. This journey led me to become a Holistic Wellness Coach, Functional Nutrition Counselor and a Certified Iridologist. Through it all I learned that most of our aliments derived from trapped emotions and STRESS. This led me to become a TRE Provider. To help people calm the nervous system, reduce stress and trauma. The process is performed in a few exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscle patterns of stress, tension and trauma. I offer TRE to individuals and groups, online and in person.
  • Email
    Phone +1 415-310-3989
    City Richmond
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Marriage-and-Family-Counselor
    Languages Spoken English, French, Hebrew, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Psychotherapist since 1998, hypnotherapist, life-coach, SE provider and TRE provider.
  • Email
    Phone +27 81 342 3890
    City Pretoria
    State Gauteng
    Country South Africa
    Profession Physician
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Dr. Tamlyn Govender is an Ayurvedic Doctor, Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Certified TRE Provider, and published writer. She also served as a board member for the Professional Board for Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, and Unani (PBACMU) for the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa for the time period 2015 to 2022. She incorporates a multitude of evidence-based healing modalities to get substantial results with her clients. She integrates Ayurvedic Medicine and TRE to precisely address the root cause of illnesses that tend to be chronic in nature and sometimes difficult to manage. Dr. Govender combines this with her Life Coaching skills to keep people committed in order to ensure effective and long-term results in their health and well-being.
  • Email
    Phone +27 71 300 8175
    City Johannesburg
    State Gauteng
    Country Brazil, Greece, South Africa
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken English, French, German
    Online Sessions Yes
  • Email
    Phone 00353870629703
    City Dublin
    State Choose a State
    Country Ireland
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Ocd and Anxiety Expert helping people recover naturally without the use of medication using specific breathwork. TRE really compliments my current treatment as it empowers individuals to heal naturally and in their own time. It gives power back to people to take steps to heal naturally.
  • Email
    Phone +420777171463
    City Prague
    State Česká republika
    Country Czech Republic, Slovakia
    Profession Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Pegagogue, Teacher, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken Czech, English, Slovak, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
  • Email
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Nurse
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
  • Email
    Phone +1 (520) 241-8096
    City Tucson
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My passion is to facilitate clients to live their most radiant and resilient life! Utilizing TRE/Neurogenic Yoga and EFT/Tapping, I aim to empower my clients to, ultimately, help themselves. These gentle and effective tools promote deep healing, a release of limiting beliefs and movement through everyday challenges; allowing the best possible version of ourselves to shine through. Let’s get to work and bring on the radiance! Through Zoom, I offer one-on-one Neurogenic Yoga and/or Tapping Sessions as well as a monthly Neurogenic Yoga Group Class. Certified Neurogenic Yoga Instructor and EFT/Tapping Practitioner.
  • Email
    Phone 308-697-4178
    City Cambridge
    State Nebraska
    Country USA
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio 8 years of experience as a Physical Therapist Assistant. I like to incorporate TRE in with my patients as many of them battle chronic pain. I love seeing the benefits TRE can provide mentally and physically.
  • Email
    Phone 084 0905987927
    City Danang city
    State Danang
    Country Vietnam
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken English, Vietnamese
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Dung Mai is working in Vietnam. She uses TRE as the main program in her organization to help the community, including the disadvantaged people to release stress, trauma and grow.
  • Email
    Phone +17372102129
    City LEANDER
    State Texas
    Country USA
    Profession Executive Coach, Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English, Portuguese, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Amanda Duarte is a somatic coach that specializes in the field of emotional regulation. With a deep care for the mind-body connection, Amanda empowers individuals to cultivate emotional well-being and navigate life's challenges with greater ease. Amanda's passion for helping others stems from her personal experience of burnout and the understanding of the impact that unresolved stress and tension can have on our overall well-being. Through the application of TRE, clients learn to tap into their body's innate wisdom and activate the body's natural ability to release stress and restore equilibrium.
  • Email
    Phone +40723223124
    City Bucharest
    State Bucharest
    Country Romania
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, Romanian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am compassionate and very patient with people, it's very natural to me to provide a safe space and deep presence.
  • Email
    Phone 1-619-347-6844
    City La Mesa
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been a counselor for 20 years. I am an educator with Trauma-Resilience Educational Communities, and I hold Heart+Math national certification. It would be my honor to support you in your journey to health and happiness.
  • Email
    Phone 507-735-2295
    City Rochester
    State Minnesota
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Mike received formal training as a theatre artist in his undergraduate (BFA - theatre performance) and graduate studies (MFA - acting) before becoming a certified yoga teacher in 2018 through the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He currently teaches yoga at the Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center at the Mayo Clinic. His late wife became a TRE provider before her death in 2021 and Mike decided to continue her work by becoming a TRE and Neurogenic Yoga provider in 2023! He is passionate about biking, urbanism, and wellness through exercise and healthy foods.
  • Email
    Phone +420608952110
    City Praha 6
    State Czech Republic
    Country Czech Republic
    Profession Clinical Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Czech
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I am a clinical psychologist. I also work in the modality of Gestalt therapy and Somatic Experiencing. I supplement my work with the holistic medicine approach Joalis Controlled Detoxification.
  • Email
    Phone +4528490502
    City Rønne
    State Denmark
    Country Denmark
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Professional Bachelor in Nutrition & Health, Instructor in nature training
  • Email
    Phone +90 545 237 5007
    Country Turkey
    Profession Body Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, Turkish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Psychologist & Body Worker
  • Email
    Phone +66883864693
    City Saladan
    State Krabi
    Country Sweden, Thailand
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English, Swedish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Healing practitioner, personal trainer, stress and pain specialist living on Koh Lanta, Thailand since 2009.


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