TRE® Provider List Search Results

Below are your search results in random order. Click the + button to learn more about each provider.

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    Phone 00353 (0)87 6326538
    City Dalkey
    State Co Dublin
    Country Ireland
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a TRE Mentor and TRE Provider. I teach Yoga, Somatic Movement and am a Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapist. I have spent years personally exploring many modalities to find peace within myself. I have facilitated addiction therapy groups and enjoy the integration of body work with talking therapies.
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    City Rome
    Country Italy
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, Italian
    Online Sessions No
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    Phone 07763 856 038
    City London
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Body Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I find TRE to be the epitome of surrender practice. It helped me hugely as I transitioned out of a career in dance and was critical in me learning where that ‘kinder edge’ was after many years of pushing. The core intention of my work is to assist people to increase their capacity to feel, to shed defensive and reactive patterns and integrate new healthy ways of being. Always striving for a balance between soft and receptive and still strong and resilient. I've held individual and group TRE sessions in London and on retreats since 2017 and have more recently qualified as a yoga teacher and massage therapist. I currently offer one on one sessions from my home in South East London or can offer home visits if preferred.
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Languages Spoken English
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    Phone August 2, 2041 11:11 am
    City Martinez
    State Georgia
    Country USA
    Profession Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    Phone 0031646764094
    City Utrecht
    State Utrecht
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    Country Jordan
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    Phone 910-635-5882
    City Fayetteville
    State North Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +44 (0)1803 867005
    City Totnes
    State Devon
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Life-Coach, Other-Certifications, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have managed to thrive through a great deal of personal grief. The tough life experiences I’ve experienced ~ the death of my five-year-old, miscarriages and other losses ~ taught me the importance of living from my inner strength ~ the core of who I am beyond my conditioned self. I have been sharing with others how to do this for over 25 years. I offer Grief Counselling and Heartful Relationship Coaching supported by the teachings from my three books, Benjaya’s Gifts, Mourning Has Broken and Heart of Relating: Communication Beyond Ego. Finding and adding TRE to my repertoire has proved invaluable because TRE reaches the parts that talking and reading cannot reach. I am in awe of the way the body intelligence knows how to release imprints that are hindering us from living fully embodied and lives. I offer: individual TRE Sessions; couples together; and trios (like a mini class) from my home, Heartwood, in an intentional community in the stunning town of Totnes Devon, UK, which is my personal playground for practicing embodied, joyful living. Details on my website
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    Phone (310) 745-2155
    City Venice
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker, Life-Coach, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Therapist, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, Persian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I'm an Integrative Trauma Healing Practitioner that supports individuals in healing and integrating past traumatic experiences so they can stop the cycle of anxiety, depression, and self-sabotage and live their most empowered and inspiring life yet!  I design personalized treatment plans that integrate the TRE Method with other predominantly somatic-based healing modalities including but not limited to the Safe & Sound Protocol, Breathwork, Mindfulness, Biofeedback. Plant Microdosing, & Movement-based therapies. I am Certified in the TRE Method, the SSP (Safe & Sound Protocol), and Chronic Pain Coaching. Visit for details
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    City San Francisco
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula, & Certified Breema® Practitioner: Specializing in Wellness Support in Birth & Everyday Life * Please see for more info. *
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    Phone 971-275-3797
    City Portland
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Educator, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Life-Coach, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a nervous system health practitioner and body worker. I teach somatic nervous system restoration practices to individuals and groups. I also practice Visceral Manipulation and neurofascial reintegration styles of bodywork.
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    Phone 512-520-6480
    City Austin
    State Texas
    Country USA
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Hello! I serve as a licensed trauma-informed psychotherapist and have received additional training to support Highly Sensitive People and autism spectrum. Another way I serve is as a psychedelic integration and energy restoration guide. TRE is offered as a stand alone practice or can become part of your ongoing therapy and/or for psychedelic preparation and integrative care. Please visit my website for articles, videos, and more or to set up a free consultation call.
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    Phone 306-446-4410
    City Battleford
    State Saskatchewan
    Country Canada
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English, French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio We are built to handle stress, tension and trauma, and designed to heal and recover. TRE is a powerful tool that can allow us to do just that. I am a high school teacher and guidance counsellor with 25 years of experience in the classroom. I speak English and French, and can offer sessions in both languages. Sessions can be done over Skype or Zoom.
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    Phone 0034696583898
    City Sevilla
    State Sevilla
    Country Spain
    Profession Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist
    Languages Spoken Arabic, English, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio A TU DISPOSICIÓN PARA FACILITARTE LA EXPERIENCIA DEL TRE ® A) SESIONES INDIVIDUALES: Libera tensión y lo traumático del cuerpo a tu ritmo. Descubre tus patrones de tensión y movimiento 1) Programa personalizado: RECOMENDADO 2) Sesiones sueltas o mantenimiento (Para nivel de iniciación y experto): una vez que se aprende el método, es una herramienta para ti y puedes utilizarla donde y cuando quieras. Y si en tu práctica quieres cambiar algo, aparece algún bloqueo o alguna consulta o simplemente quieres vibrar en compañía, puedes hacerlo contratando sesiones sueltas. B) SESIONES DE GRUPO: Otra manera de experimentar el TRE ®: El grupo construye más allá de la individualidad de sus componentes. Los cuerpos dialogan. C) PROGRAMA DE PAREJA Cuando la comunicación no fluye descubre cómo encontrar vuestro punto de encuentro para empezar a construir otros caminos. D) ESPECIAL: TERAPEUTAS y PROFESIONALES DE LA SALUD y/o EDUCACIÓN E) ESPECIAL: COOPERANTES Y TRABAJADORES SOCIALES El plus de tu entrenamiento o superación. La clave de las lesiones a veces se encuentra en las estructuras y tensiones profundas. Recupera flexibilidad. E) TALLERES Teórico - prácticos para aquellos quieren una primera aproximación o quieren introducirse en la formación como facilitadores profesionales de TRE ®. Y MUCHO MÁS: Hay tantas posibilidades como personas o situaciones. Si tienes alguna propuesta o duda, estoy a tu disposición
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    Phone December 1, 1985 1:19 am
    City Jerusalem
    State Israel
    Country Israel
    Profession Therapist, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Licensed-Professionals, Other-Certifications, Other
    Languages Spoken English, Hebrew
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I'm a Somatic Sex & Tantra Therapist working with Trauma as a TRE® provider, as well as a Yoga Therapist. I accompany people in healing processes in these fields working with a variety of somatic (body) tools. I am curious & suggesting places of authenticity, depth & connection. I help people release chronic tension, rewire their nervous systems & create new pathways via embodiment & finding fluidity in their body. I use tools such as: talk therapy, Focusing, Family Constellation, Reflexology, Nonviolent Communication, Polyvagal Theory applied in the clinic, nervous system regulation, touch work, voice dialogue, Gestalt etc. I love all things connected with the body, getting unstuck & cultivating change, feeling better in our bodies & our lives! I love helping people connect to & find spontaneity in their bodies, identify feelings, sensations, & move in their healing process. It's strong transformative work & very moving. Our bodies know, if only we gave them more of a chance! I work privately with women, men & couples as well as run groups/facilitate workshops at festivals. I have clinic hours both in Jerusalem & Jaffa, TLV.
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    Phone 0040745271186
    City Timisoara
    State Timis
    Country Romania
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, Romanian
    Online Sessions No
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    Phone +34 657718933
    City MURCIA
    State MURCIA
    Country Spain
    Profession Teacher
    Languages Spoken English, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Mi actividad profesional ha girado en torno al cuerpo, la voz y la palabra en las artes escénicas. Desde el mundo de la actuación he integrado técnicas corporales, vocales, logopédicas, fonética, coaching, entre otras. Y desde esa pasión por la escena llego a la persona, el núcleo de la expresión artística, a su historia, su identidad y su potencial. De ahí el interés por la antropología de la expresión, la cultura, la historia, la neurología, la espiritualidad, cómo transitan por el cuerpo y la voz en la comunicación.
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    Phone August 19, 2141 10:22 am
    City Bend
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Other-Licensed-Professionals
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a Registered Craniosacral Therapist. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy™ is a gentle, yet profound, non-invasive, hands-on treatment for the whole body. Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the touch is light and still. Treatment focuses on the nervous system and supports the health of the whole being. Craniosacral Therapy is an excellent complement to a variety of healing modalities. It is gentle, non-invasive, and suitable for all ages. Because my work already supports the nervous system and self regulation, TRE is a wonderful self help tool that incorporates well with craniosacral therapy.
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    Phone United States 1-714-614-5748
    City Huntington Beach
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Teacher, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been practicing Iyengar Yoga since 1998 and teaching since 2004. My mentor teacher during yoga teacher training was Eric Small, a pioneer in the field of adapting yoga for people with neurological issues, and co-author of the book Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis. I apprenticed with him for 5 years. My yoga teaching has focused on students with MS, Parkinson’s, those recovering from stroke, injury, or surgery, and seniors. I became a certified TRE provider in 2017, and a certified massage therapist in 2018. My website is
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    Phone +31204276545
    City Amsterdam
    State Noord-Holland
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Since 2007 Lobke Mienis works as a Functional Posture and Movement Therapist (Oefentherapeut Mensendieck) in here own practice De Mensendieckpraktijk in Amsterdam. Because of here passion for dance and dance background Lobke specialised herself during here Mensendieck Therapy study in working with dancers. During the years she continued broadening her knowlegde in sports at the International Acadamy for Sportscience (IAS), Orthopedics at the Nederlandse Academie voor Orthopedische geneeskunde (NAOG) and followed a lot of different courses varieng from motor learning, burn out til vague complaints. In her practice she treats a lot of amature dancers, dance students and professional dancers. Besides dance related injuries and general posture and movement anomallies, she works a lot with low back pain, Shoulder dyskinesia, ankle/foot injuries and tension related complaints. In 2017 Lobke became a certified TRE provider. TRE is a great addition to her work as stress/tension can have a negative influence on recovery. In som cases it is usefull to work first on bringing the whole body in a more calm and balanced state before starting to work with the injury/complaint. Besides her work in her parctice Lobke works also at The Academy for Theater and Dance in Amsterdam. (ATD) Here she teaches Experiential Anatomy and Kinesiology at the different dance departments and she is the substituded for the consultancy hours posture/movement and injury prevention. Lobke assists the coordination of Health & Performance with focus on the education and screening for dance students. Until recently she also taught health and wellbeing classes at Circus Arts (Codarts) and helped to set up the Health program there.
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    Phone March 21, 2163 11:30 pm
    City Moorestown
    State New Jersey
    Country USA
    Profession Educator, Executive Coach, Marriage-and-Family-Counselor, Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Juliette is a thought provoking, innovative and high impact speaker. Known for her dynamic and powerful teaching style, she is a seasoned presenter with the ability to take people on a journey of discovery, introspection, and transformation through her delivery. As an Advanced level II TRE practitioner, master's level counselor, and sound therapist, Juliette is gifted in translating spiritual principles into everyday language that reaches people from all walks of life. She combines over twenty years of experience teaching, training, and leading diverse teams and programs, along with her background in education, counseling, psychology, and sound therapy to deliver insightful, inspirational instruction that empowers individuals to realize their gifts, tap unused potential, and achieve more success in their personal, professional and spiritual lives. ​ As Founder and Owner of Heal From The Core, LLC, Juliette works with a wide-range of clients: employees in high stress industries, trauma doctors, EMT, athletes; parents; students; business leaders; and people simply wanting to become more resilient and just feel better about life. Juliette earned her M.S. in Counseling & Human Relations from Villanova University and is a Nationally Board Certified Counselor in Individual/family counseling, as well as in Secondary School Counseling. ​ She earned a B.A. from the Annenberg School of Communications with concentration in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. ​ Advanced Training: Education, Advanced Group Dynamics, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Gestalt Therapy, Transcendental Meditation (TM), Kriya Yoga, TRE®, Sound Healing, and Aromatherapy.
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    Phone 248 318-7985
    City Royal Oak
    State Michigan
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken French
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    City Houston
    State Texas
    Country USA
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
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    City Amsterdam
    State Noord-Holland
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Patric is, together with his partner Daan Timmers, founder of the Yoga Lab Studio in the centre of Amsterdam. After teaching yoga since 1999, Patric started doing TRE in 2014 as one of the first in Holland. A lot happened since than! The Yoga Lab Studio currently is one of the two training sites in Holland with the biggest offering of TRE classes and workshops. Patric teaches the monthly TRE Introduction workshop and gives many privat sessions, as well TRE as yoga therapy or combinations, depending on the individual needs. Typical for Patric's classes are his ability to let people feel safe and relaxed. Together with his broad experience as body worker, his sharp observations and humor, many people have experienced a great start in their process of discharging tension and moving forward to a more free state of being! Together with Daan, Patric has three beautiful daughters.
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    Phone +32479968812
    City Bruxelles
    Country Belgium, USA
    Profession Clinical Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, Romanian
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    Phone +628161830667
    City jakarta
    State jakarta
    Country Indonesia
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken Chinese, English, Malayalam
    Online Sessions No
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    Phone September 2, 1989 12:40 am
    City Baarn
    State Utrecht
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Life-Coach
    Bio paramedic & ICU nurse with heart for balance for first responders & healthcare workers. Take care of yourself & allow yourself to experience TRE!!! Protection and treatment for Burn-out & PTSD. Ofcourse non healthworkers welcome as well as TRE is stress releasing for everyone!
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    Phone 704-727-6746 or 614-371-9330
    City Rock Hill
    State South Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Business Professional, First Responder, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Trainer, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Licensed-Professionals, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor and EMT. I believe that the combination of these three disciplines offer an invaluable resource to those seeking healing and balance in their lives. Being a massage therapist has provided me with an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the body, as well as hands-on experience in providing therapeutic treatments. As a certified yoga instructor, I have been trained to provide safe and effective instruction on various postures, breathing exercises and meditation techniques. As an EMT, I have gained experience with trauma response and crisis management, which also benefit my TRE® practice. The integration of these disciplines allows me to tailor my treatments to each individual’s needs, providing them with the best possible care for their particular situation. This combination of skills allows me to provide clients with both physical relief from tension and stress in their bodies as well as emotional support throughout their journey towards wellness.
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    Phone +1-843-580-2070
    City Charleston
    State South Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Executive Coach, Life-Coach, Trainer, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Gerry integrates TRE with his background as a Life Coach and two decades as a Psychotherapist, with extensive training in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) as well as hypnosis. His approach to eliminating traumatic memories (including PTSD) draws on all of his background and results in elimination of traumatic symptoms in a few sessions, without discomfort.
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    Phone August 26, 2121 5:07 pm
    City Lakewood
    State Colorado
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Life-Coach, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Therapist, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Education Master of Arts in Counseling, Bradley University, Peoria, IL. (TCD Aug 2023) Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KA. (May 2020) Licenses Massage Therapy (State of CO; #MT.0025239) Certifications Yoga Therapy (C-IAYT, RYT 500, E-RYT 200, YACEP) Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) Certified Coach (Transformational Coaching Method)
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    Country South Africa
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken French, Gujarati, Sunda
    Online Sessions No
    Bio As a narrative therapist it has been a revelation how the body and its innate wisdom can support healing on all levels. Doing TRE multiplies the impact of effective therapy. I currently volunteer part time at an NGO called Hlokomela, offering TRE in rural South Africa.
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    Phone +6018 3672665
    City Kuala Lumpur
    State Wilayah Perseketuan KL
    Country Malaysia
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken Chinese, English
    Online Sessions No
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    Phone 480-633-7292
    City Mesa
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been in private practice providing neurofeedback since 2006. TRE is the perfect compliment to this modality.
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    Phone 323-687-9188
    City Summit
    State New Jersey
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and Reiki certified as well. I was introduced to TRE by one of my EEM teachers and was blown away by how it worked in my body and how I felt after. Since then I devoured all the trainings and books and am incorporating it into my practice as almost every client (or human in general) I meet could benefit from it. I have a private practice in Summit, NJ and I also teach group classes at various yoga studios in NJ.
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    Phone 250 619 4087
    City Nanaimo
    State British Columbia
    Country Canada
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As well as being a certified TRE provider, I am both a trained mental health and addictions support and outreach worker, and a trained yoga teacher specializing in restorative, yin, and trauma sensitive practices. I am trained in chronic pain management, and offer wellness plans for those seeking balance and ease in their life. Each offering is from a framework of compassion, non-judgement and acceptance. I am open to working with people who are facing challenges with their mental health and/ or addictions, as well as those working through PTSD and general stresses. I offer safe space and a compassionate approach for my clients.
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    Phone 004521920610
    City Roskilde
    Country Denmark
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken Danish, French, German, Norwegian, Swedish
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Organisk Psykoterapi med TRE-efteruddannelse. Klinik midt i Roskilde. Træningsgrupper fredag eftermiddag
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    Phone 503.962.9994
    City Portland
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio In addition to being a Certified TRE® Provider, Alice is also a Neurogenic Yoga® Certified Teacher, a Registered Yoga Teacher at the 500-hour level, a ChiRunning® & ChiWalking® Certified Master Instructor, and an Original Strength® Certified Coach. Her mission is to help her clients learn to move better and therefore feel better.
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    Phone June 13, 2196 1:48 am
    City Fullerton
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    City Bogotá
    State Bogotá D.C.
    Country Colombia, USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio The tremor mechanism has showed me the sensation of wholeness. I work with Yoga, TRE and other different embodiment techniques and my job is to share this with others. My focus today is being a TRE provider and I would love to share this vibration experience with you. ¡TRE también en español!
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    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
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    Phone +447971536872
    City Burton Upon Trent
    State Staffordshire
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Have you ever been a child? Of course you have and whilst that may seem a silly question it is a reminder that we have all been parented, we all have a history that we don't always remember or we choose to forget! However, our body still remembers and carries all the experiences. TRE can bring to resolution those stories and bring you to a much calmer version of yourself. You owe it to yourself to feel good on a daily basis. Our children learn directly from us without the words, they feel us they know if we are angry, depressed or calm etc Being the best parent is absolutely about you being and feeling safe in your own body and therefore the world around you.
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    Country Poland
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Teacher, Trainer, Therapist, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English, Polish
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Website Katarzyna_j
    Phone +48 602 666 883
    City Warszawa
    Country Poland
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken English, Polish, Russian
    Bio For several years I worked in a dynamic business environment on managerial positions. Nowadays, for many years, I have been running training sessions combining my practical knowledge of business and psychological tools. The most important aspects of my trainings besides of skills developing is to release the potential in people and resilience strengthening. The discovery of TRE® exercises and later participation in certification workshops became for me the beginning of my internal change, increased energy and the belief that "the body knows better." The power of the TRE® method and simplicity is appreciated by the people I work with. From my clients I hear: "my body is alive," "I feel my body," "better sleep," "joy of life," "I have more energy and willingness to act," "I'm in touch with my emotions, ". An unusual method.
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