TRE® Provider List Search Results

Below are your search results in random order. Click the + button to learn more about each provider.

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    City Harare
    Country Zimbabwe
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio B.A. Hons (Psych), Massage, Body Alignment, T’aiChi, Enneagram Teacher.
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    City san luis obisbo
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Bio this is Flanagan mackenzie Bio Info
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    Phone 0041 792835870
    Country Switzerland
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English, German
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Peter Steinegger has trained under Dr David Berceli as TRE practitioner L1, L2 and is currently L3 trainee. Most of his life time was spend in South Africa where he has gained experience and expertise in trauma prevention and intervention. He is now living in Switzerland where he provides TRE as a Tension, Stress, Trauma and Burn-Out prophylaxis to individuals and groups.
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    Phone 336-580-5833
    City Greensboro
    State North Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor, Other-Licensed-Professionals
    Languages Spoken Arabic, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Mona Flynn, MS, ERYT 500, C-IAYT, has over 25 years of experience in the wellness and fitness industries. She is well rounded in the fitness arena with advanced study in Exercise Physiology and several certifications with fitness organizations. Having worked first with a physical therapist and in the areas of rehabilitation, her teaching style is to pull knowledge from rehab into the area of prevention. As a yoga therapist, she is sensitive to addressing trauma and trauma-related needs of students, and incorporates trauma sensitive yoga as well as TRE. As the owner of Lifefit, Inc., a yoga and Pilates business, Mona maintains a balance of leading many group and private classes weekly, helps to train a competitive swim team, conducts yoga and Pilates workshops each summer and is an invited speaker to share her insight and experience in many areas of wellness and fitness. She is always ready to be the student, learning about more ways to improve upon wellness, as well as to lead, sharing her knowledge with her students, and volunteering in many ways to support and build community. Mona is an excellent speaker, mentor, and teacher. She is recognized as a movement specialist, combining knowledge and experience in applied anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of movement., with attention and care for safety, and for the needs of the individual, so as to educate and empower students to prioritize self care in their wellness practices. She introduces TRE to all her students via private sessions, group sessions and TRE workshops.
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    Phone +27828523231
    City Leipoldtville
    State Western Cape
    Country South Africa
    Profession Clinical Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a clinical psychologist who specialises in trauma. I use various modalities in my treatment protocols including TRE. I work online and am based in the Western Cape of South Africa.
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    Profession profession-a
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    Phone +27 825943803
    City Johannesburg
    State Gauteng
    Country Spain
    Profession Energy Worker, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio This is Maajedah Meer Bio Info Level II Facilitator/Practitioner Qualifications: Certified Business Management; Speed Typing; 40 years experience in the corporate world Reki Healing: Crystal Healing: ECD (Early Childhood Development); Realtor; TRE Level 11 Practitioner/Facilitator. Self Healing through meditation and energy; For most of my life I have talked a language of healing through spirituality and Physical Healing including jogging, hiking, Tai Chi. I have experience severe trauma from birth to a few years back, and believed by doing the work through the spiritual medium and the physical modalities I would heal, and indeed I was on the road to healing until I was introduced to TRE. Within 4 years of doing TRE I have seen more shifts than I did in the 24 years of trying through the other modalities. The introduction of the science of the body mechanism through TRE, resonated with me and as a result I am more connected with my body and understand how my body has held on to the past traumas and how easily I have been able to release it. Dedication to self healing is the Key. I love doing TRE : as david says “it is easily learned, immediately effective and self - empowering” believe me it is all of that and more. Tre is a body based modality, a simple and affordable process, self empowering, non cognitive process, which allows the body memory to take charge and return the body/mind connection to a state of natural balance where all the systems are working in harmony.
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    Phone (970) 749-5308
    City Durango
    State Colorado
    Country USA
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio As a TRE Certification Trainee with over 26 years experience as a Physical Therapist, I offer individual and group TRE training both in person and over Skype. I also mentor and supervise trainees going for their own certification. See my bio for my full background and philosophy.
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    Phone 972522734085
    City Netanya
    Country Israel
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, French, Hebrew
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio TRE® Certification Trainer & TRE® Certified Provider. Certification Training and Workshops throughout Israel. Teach TRE® to Individuals and Groups for Personal Use. Licenced Physiotherapist and Partner in "Mifne Physiotherapy Clinic". .מלמדת ומעבירה סדנאות וקורסים בכל הארץ .פיזותרפסתית מוסמכת ושותפה במיפנה-מכון פיזיותרפיה
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    Phone +27 82 925 0076
    City Cape Town
    State Western Province
    Country South Africa
    Profession Life-Coach, Marriage-and-Family-Counselor, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Nurse, Trainer, Other-Certifications, Other
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I work as an Integral Health Practitioner in private practice in Cape Town. I have worked in the field of health promotion and wellness for over 30 years with a particular focus on reducing the impact of stress and trauma on health and quality of life. Over the years my work has evolved and includes a variety of modalities, which I draw from to empower people to journey towards health and wholeness thereby improving quality of life and reducing unnecessary suffering. Qualifications: Registered Nurse, Exercise and Fitness, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Post Graduate Diploma in Coaching, Solution Focused Coaching (Pure and Plus). MBSR and MBI Mindfulness teacher. TRE® Provider and Certification Trainer. I have worked on a number of TRE® community projects: Chrysalis TRE® Research project; SOS Children’s Village; The Clothing Bank; Life Choices; South African Police Service. I provide TRE Training, workshops and supervision to trainees and TRE Providers in a variety of countries around the globe. I sit on the international TRE Trainer Support Team's Sub Committee. I also offer the following TRE® programs: Introductory workshops; Weekly TRE open group classes; TRE® Workshops; Agency-Based Instructor Training; Global TRE® Certification Training; Supervision (face-to face and online)
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    Profession profession-a
    Bio This is janet Pitchford Bio Info
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    Phone 520-834-7698
    City Tucson
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Licensed-Massage-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I have been a Massage Therapist since 1981. My emphasis is Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) as taught by John Barnes P.T. I love to combine MFR with TRE. I provide individual and group TRE sessions. Certified TRE Provider.
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    Phone +27823206722
    City Tzaneen
    State Limpopo
    Country South Africa
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a registered TRE, Heartmath, and QEC provider and am currently qualifying as a Nutritional Consultant.
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    Phone 650-759-8738
    City Foster City
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As a Somatic Educator in the Thomas Hanna tradition and a yoga teacher I see people with a wide variety of conditions. I discovered TRE while researching modalities that I could use with students who suffer from stress related incidents. What attracted me to this work is that it is easily learned, immediately effective, self-empowering, and fits in with other modalities that I use. After being introduced to the series of 7 easy exercises, I was amazed to experience release of long- standing, deep chronic muscular tension from the core of my body. I am grateful to now have the knowledge, skill, and opportunities to share this valuable modality with others.
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    Phone 336-707-6743
    City Greensboro
    State North Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Business Professional, Rehabilitative-Pilates-Practitioner, Therapist, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Exercise Physiologist, C-IAYT Yoga Therapist, TRE Certification Trainer (CT), E-RYT500, Pilates Teacher. Donna owns Stillwaters Wellbeing Retreat, the Institute of Integrated Yoga Therapy, LLC and DP Matworks, Inc. Working over 30 years in the health & wellness integrating both western & eastern modalities, owner of five yoga schools, and is a yoga therapist specializing in chronic pain & fatigue, fibromyalgia, back pain & spine issues, auto-immune, cancer, amputees and special needs, athletes of all ages & abilities. Teaches TRE workshops for groups & corporations, TRE Certification Trainings, Yoga Workshops & Trainings and Advanced TRE Trainings & DVD's: Props, Stops & Modifications - Teaching Self-Regulation & Modifications to individualize your TRE practice
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    Phone 004741318627
    City Oslo
    Country Norway
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English, Norwegian
    Bio I am trained as a Feldenkrais method practitioner, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, TRE trainer as well as a advanced level in Communicology. My university training is a master degree i pedagogy. I teach workshops and give private lessons. 20 years experience.
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    Country Argentina
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Bio This is Sharon Sinclair
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    Phone +6494880662
    City Takapuna, Auckland
    State Auckland
    Country New Zealand
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio This is Annette Ashton bio info
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    City Pretoria
    State Gauteng
    Country South Africa
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Bio This is Adri Scholtz BioInfo
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    Phone +27 83 261 4297
    City Cape Town
    State Western Province
    Country South Africa
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio As a complimentary practitioner I have found TRE to produce consistent results, as witnessed by my clients' progress in terms of their overall wellness – physical, psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. I work in a holistic way - I assess my client's overall lifestyle and current challenges, & map out a program, which always includes TRE, as it is an incredible self-empowering tool. I share other tools, EFT, the Healing Codes and workshops. I am privileged to have shared my clients' TRE journeys, and some of the results, include: no longer stressed, no more backache, panic attacks & nightmares gone, Fibromyalgia symptoms lessened, sleeping better, less reactive, more centred, enjoying better relationships, more productive, filled with joy and certainty. I offer private, group & Skype sessions. I would be honoured to serve you through your TRE journey of healing. TRE is the key to wellness, balance, health & joy. I invite you to shake out all that does not serve you!
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    Phone 14802238686
    City San Diego
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Social-Worker, Trainer, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Jennica Mills, MSW, E-RYT, Certified Neurogenic Yoga & TRE Trainer Trainer, Sexual Wellness Educator Jennica’s diverse background in the healing field gives way to a unique perspective of how we can rediscover our balance by integrating the mind, body, and spirit. After receiving her Master's in Social work in 2005, Jennica began working as a trauma therapist in a sexual assault recovery program. This experience led her into a journey of learning and practicing Yoga, meditation, and somatic therapies. She is also certified as a Women's Holistic Health Practitioner and Tantra Teacher. Jennica facilitates workshops and trainings globally, and maintains a private practice in San Diego, CA. Learn more about Jennica. Contact Jennica at or call her at (480) 223-8686.
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    Phone +44(0)7786454993
    City Edinburgh
    State Edinburgh
    Country United Kingdom, Scotland, Wales
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a TRE Certified Trainer Trainee. I have been a Health & Wellbeing Coach and Yoga therapist since 2005 have enjoyed supporting people in their journey to health and happiness. I have been using TRE and shaking regularly since November 2011 and it has been an amazing healing therapy for me and now I use it with my clients to support their recoveries. I have recovered from what is called CFS or ME - which I consider was PTSD and due to developmental trauma. TRE has been the biggest part of my healing. I am now working with people in recovery, PTSD, developmental trauma. I also teach and mentor people to be TRE Providers and we have a growing community in Scotland.
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    Phone June 25, 1993 3:34 am
    City Cape Town
    Country South Africa
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English, Portuguese
    Online Sessions 1
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    Phone 978-290-0266
    City Salem
    State Massachusetts
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach
    Bio Johanna is a Integrative Nurse and Holistic Educator, with a background in Trauma and Mental Health Nursing for children, adolescents and their parents. She has been trained in Level One and Two by David Berceli. Please contact her by phone to set up an appt at her Wellness Studio in Salem, MA
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    Phone +27824100105
    City Cape Town
    Country South Africa
    Profession Occupational-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio I work as an Occupational Therapist in the health and wellness domain for the past 9 years with a particular focus on the adolescent and young adult population. Currently I am working at a private addiction rehabilitation clinic. Having personally experienced the benefits and value of TRE through incorporating it into my daily life, and having witnessed and experienced the positive changes for my clients over the years, I advocate for TRE as an effective and invaluable skill to assist with optimizing one’s daily functioning and replacing often ineffective coping skills.
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    Phone +27 021 9756363
    City Durbanville
    State Cape Town
    Country South Africa
    Profession Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone 520-261-2998
    City Tucson
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I'm a licensed massage therapist with an emphasis in holistic healing. I discovered TRE® and Neurogenic Yoga® in 2013 and quickly fell in love with the trauma release process. Within a year I became a Certified Provider and began sharing this wonderful skill with members of the Tucson community and with women with complex trauma, PTSD, and eating disorders. TRE is powerful because one learns how to navigate the body's intelligence directly. When you are healing past traumas, it is vital you are fully supported as you reconnect with the body in the present moment. My intention as a TRE provider is to create a safe container for you to expand your resilience and revive your innate ability to heal. Please check out my website for more detailed information about my private practice and TRE® offerings:
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    Phone 910-350-2740
    City Wilmington
    State North Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Diane Gobrogge is a licensed Acupuncturist, Level II TRE and Bioenergetic practitioner. She received her Master's degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in 1994 and has owned and operated her private practice in Wilmington, North Carolina since 1995. Diane began studying bioenergetics over 25 years ago with its founder, Dr. Alexander Lowen. During that time she also started working closely with international trainer Dr. Frank Hladky, who became her long-time teacher and mentor for more than 20 years. She completed the 5 year professional training program with Dr. Hladky and Anna Miller in 2002. Over the past several years TRE has become an important and effective healing system offered in Diane’s practice. She bridges the philosophy and body based techniques of Chinese Medicine, Bioenergetics and Energy Modalities facilitating Personal Growth, Vitality and Well Being. She leads workshops in the United States and abroad, including Central & South America.
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    Phone October 13, 1992 12:04 am
    City Mulbarton & Three Rivers
    State Please Select
    Country South Africa
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as psychology practioner in the category of Registered Counsellor (PRC 0012726). I’m also affiliated with the Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellors in South Africa as CPSC Category 7 - Advanced Religious Specialist (certificate number CPSC D044/18). My scope of practice is to enhance the personal functioning of teenagers, young adults, adults, couples, families and communities in a variety of contexts. Besides my training in psychology, many years of experience in the pastoral field equip me to support my clients authentically. I follow a non-judgmental approach in which diversity can be appreciated and celebrated. I practice and teach TRE because it is very effective in releasing stress and tension and enables more harmonious living.
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    Phone +27(0)82 874 8591
    City Hermanus
    State Western Cape
    Country South Africa
    Profession Other
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    Profession profession-a
    Bio This is Juile Rappaport Bio Info
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    Phone 031 7655704
    City Hillcrest
    State KwaZulu-Natal
    Country South Africa
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio I am an Aromatherapist, Reflexologist and Reiki Master Teacher. I studied TRE in 2010/2011 and feel that this is exactly what humanity needs and have found that it has made a major difference in my wellbeing.
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    Phone 707-354-9911
    City Willits & Ukiah
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Divora Stern LCSW Energy Psychology, Licensed Psychotherapist for over 15 years in private practice. Was the largest single practitioner for Mendocino Co Mental Health for over five years. Serving you over Skype world wide for TRE and many complimentary and alternative healing modalities. Divora is a certified Biofeedback Provider, but this must be in person at the Ukiah or Willits office. Register as a TRE provider, Divora holds certificates in many Alternative Medicine modalities. A Master Theta Healer and teacher, Divora also practices and teaches Quantum Touch. Divora has been trained in, Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Permaculture, and by the US Military: Army, Air Force, Marines and the Navy. Divora has assisted thousands, empowering them in a plethora of healing modalities, in self directed, innate, healing modalities. Wether you are a survivor of trauma, or seeking to manage stress, and/or chronic tension, this holistic approach, is the fast track to obtaining optimal wellness.
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    Phone +27823434699
    State ONLINE
    Country Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Thailand
    Profession Body Worker, Educator, Energy Worker, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Teacher, Trainer
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Fiona Soma is a TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) Global Certification Trainer specializing in Sexual Health. For 20 years she has been exploring dysfunctions of the body-mind that may be causing aspects of imbalance in the body and in life. In her sessions, workshops & retreats, she offers powerful somatic practices to reduce stress, pain and other adverse affects of trauma. "Somatic exploration, allows our bodies to "simply" dialogue, via its most natural and organic mechanism - home. This is true "Self-Healing". Fiona is experienced in various techniques - In the field of her practice she also works with Kinesiology (the transformation of information stored on a cellular level), Chi nei Tsung (Taoist visceral massage) and Cranio Sacral Therapy. She offers trainings in various parts of the world as well as trainee/mentor supervision. Zoom sessions are available for TRE®, as well as Relationship & Sexuality counselling.
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    Country Argentina
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Languages Spoken English
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    Phone 707-888-9578
    City Santa Rosa
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Business Professional, Energy Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Life-Coach, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Kristi Dee Doden has over 30 years experience in multiple healing modalities. She has advanced training in TRE, Trauma Informed Relational Neurobiology ( How to help the brain heal trauma with Resonance Processes) Compassionate Communication and has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1988. For more information on her professional experience visit: or call/text her at 1-707-888-9578
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    City Douglas
    State Northern Cape
    Country South Africa
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Certified L2 TRE Provider/ Clinical Psychologist/ SpontaneousHealing Intrasystemic Process Facilitator ( / CranioSacral Therapy Facilitator (
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    City boulder
    State Colorado
    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio This is Kimberly Brayman Bio Info
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    City Randburg
    State Gauteng
    Country South Africa
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio This is Diana Barrett BioInfo My TRE practice is operated from my home. I have worked with numerous modalities on my path to renewed Self Esteem - More to Life for over 20 years, Self Esteem Enhancement courses, The Work by Byron Katie. I am Kahuna Massage Therapist and Life Line Counsellor
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    City Stockholm
    Country Sweden
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Thomas S. Nielsen Bio certified TRE Level II Provider and also have diploma as a Gestalt therapist. Thomas has his therapy clinic in the center of Stockholm where he receives clients for treatment. Besides working in his clinic, he is currently employed at a center for dysfunctional families
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    City Warszawa
    Country Poland, Russia
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, Polish, Russian
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +962 797577714
    City Amman
    State Amman
    Country UAE
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken French, German
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio Hiya! I am a Level 1 TRE provider & Martha Beck trained Master Life Coach and in based Jordan, UAE & Arizona. I invite individuals and groups to explore “what they already know,” using body-centered, nature-inspired coaching, trauma release and participatory processes in individual sessions, workshops and international learning journeys. My joy lives in weaving ancient wisdom, modern science, hope and physical presence into a thoughtfully created future.
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    City Madison
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Social-Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio TRE Level III Certification Trainer since 2010. Jacy helped develop the certification program and assisted in the first one held in Colorado. Also, a licensed Social Worker, RYT 200 hour Integral Yoga Instructor, CCA Certified Life Coach, Certified Massage Therapist, BS in psychology, and Reiki Master. She also produces large events around the US which include trainings with Dr. Berceli. The first TRE certification of VA staff in Madison, WI was conducted by Jacy in 2013. Five OT staff at the VA continue teaching TRE to groups of veterans.
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    Phone +27723322173
    City Somerset West
    State Western Cape
    Country South Africa
    Profession Physician
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a medical doctor and gestalt psychotherapist. I have been providing TRE to clients and groups in South Africa since 2010. I am a Level Three Trainer and provide TRE Certification Training in the Western Cape, South Africa. I also do innovative work with children and youth in the townships.
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    Phone September 8, 1983 3:15 pm
    City Perth
    State West Australia
    Country Australia
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Chinese, English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio PhD Medical Physics Diploma Remedial Massage Address: Scarborough, Perth, WA, Australia Phone: +61 0431 907 357 Email: Website: I am a fully qualified remedial massage therapist with a PhD in Medical Physics. Through my body work background and personal experience I have come to understand the profound importance that the mind-body connection and nervous system plays in recovery, happiness and healing. During my journey I have been fortunate to have encountered TRE. I am inspired by the potential of this profoundly powerful, yet subtle, self-empowering modality for assisting all of us to journey toward a more balanced, peaceful inner state, enabling us to be more relaxed, calmer and more resilient to stress and tension. TRE, which is strongly based in neuro-physiology, has enourmous potential to assist so many in our search for health and wellbeing and I am passionate about sharing this unique modality with all who can benefit
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    Phone December 21, 1982 3:32 pm
    City Don Valley
    State Victoria
    Country Australia
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Richmond is a registered Physiotherapist, Executive Director of Trauma Release Australia and Level 3 TRE trainer who brought Dr David Berceli and TRE to Australia for the first time in 2011. Richmond offers individual consultations, public workshop and professional training Australia wide.
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    Phone +27840232720
    City Cape Town
    State Western Cape
    Country Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, USA
    Profession Educator, Energy Worker, Teacher
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Advanced TRE@ provider, transformation coach with a focus on blocked or traumatized speaking or singing voices.
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    Phone 720-314-3543
    City Lafayette
    State Colorado
    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions 1
    Bio After a trauma in his own life, Jeff tried numerous modalities for healing.  After months of experiencing the positive benefits of TRE, he engaged in a credentialing process that supports him in skillfully and knowledgeably sharing TRE with individuals and groups.  In his private practice, Jeff uses TRE as an adjunctive support for counseling individuals with stress, trauma, addiction, high risk, in recovery, as well as with families with an addicted loved one. He combines TRE with EMDR and CAR modalities to support clients changing chronic, problematic and harmful patterns.  In addition, he contracts as a TRE group provider within addiction treatment centers (with staff to increase their stress tolerance and resiliency, and directly with clients/patients) as well as providing trainings and support in the credentialing for an agency based TRE certification instructor. 
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    Phone +27834005924
    City Sedgefield
    State Western Cape
    Country South Africa
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Hazel Bond Dip. D.N. ITEC (U.K.) is a Nutritional Coach & a Certified TRE®/ L2 provider. Hazel Bond is a Nutritional Consultant & qualified with the South African College of Complementary Therapies (SACOCT), as well as with the International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC) U.K. Hazel trained with Dr. David Berceli in 2010 and 2011 when he visited South Africa. Hazel is a Certified TRE® Provider (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) and teaches TRE® to individuals as well as in group workshops. Hazel owned a franchise shop called House of Health in Umhlanga Rocks, Durban, South Africa for 8 years. During that time she provided nutritional & dietary advice when she was involved in a once-weekly support group for adults with ADD/ADHD for 2 years. After closing the health shop Hazel opened a consulting office in Durban North, South Africa to teach TRE to clients & to offer Nutritional Consulting. 3 years later after closing the office she continued seeing TRE and nutrition clients at Wellness Centres in different parts of the greater Durban area on an ad hoc, locum basis. Hazel relocated to Sedgefield in the Western Cape, South Africa in November 2019. Hazel is an Affiliate member of The Academy of Wellness, U.K. Hazel has worked with all ages - teaching TRE® to emergency responders, businessmen and women, school children (including remedial classes and individuals with ADD/ADHD), school staff and principals, office staff, accident victims, hi-jack and break-in victims, frail care residents, and members of the public from all walks of life. Even people who have not suffered a major trauma, or are not under much stress, who simply want to feel more grounded in themselves and be more present in the moment, can benefit and enjoy learning this self-empowering tool for life.
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    Profession profession-a


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