TRE® Provider List Search Results

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    Phone 005491151831351
    City Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA)
    State Buenos Aires
    Country Argentina, USA
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist, Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, Spanish
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I have a degree in psychology graduated from the UBA. I have specialized in Bioenergetic Therapy in the training that Orlando Zaslavsky runs, and I became certified as an Analyst in Bioenergetics at the FSBA. In addition I am a national professor of Corporal Expression, graduated from UNA, and magister in Dance Movement Therapy, graduated from the UAB. I have also obtained the certification in TRE provider. Currently I work in the private clinic with adults, integrating my knowledge of Bioenergetics, TRE and DMT in the therapeutic process. I am a teacher in Bioenergetics training directed by Orlando Zaslavsky, and a professor at the National University of Arts (UNA). I also conducted private bioenergetic group workshops for artists and for people in general.
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    City Menomonee Falls
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Haley fell in love with Yoga in 2002. She believes Yoga is a tool to journey inward and reconnect with our innate balance, wholeness and self-healing. Haley owns Inner Light Yoga Studios in Milwaukee, WI where she has a private Yoga Therapy practice and runs an Integrative Yoga Therapy Teacher training program. Haley first experienced TRE during her Yoga Therapy training and immediately knew she had a taste of powerful and transformative practice. In 2010, Haley became a foster parent and adopted 4 children. Through her involvement with the Milwaukee Foster Care system and through per private Yoga Therapy practice, Haley knew she needed additional tools to help her clients integrate the effects of trauma. She is thrilled to have TRE & Neurogenic Yoga as part of her tool belt. Haley provides her clients with a safe and nurturing environment so that body, mind and soul can return to their natural state of wholeness and balance.
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    Country USA
    Languages Spoken English
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    Country USA
    Languages Spoken English
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    Phone April 22, 2098 10:10 pm
    City Alpharetta
    State Georgia
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist, Therapist, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As both a counselor and yoga therapist, I specialize in helping clients to find freedom and relief from trauma, stress and tension and provide them with tools so that they are able to manage and restore health, wellness and vitality. TRE is one of those tecniques that I teach as it is amazing how tremoring releases stored tension and pain from the body. Feel vibrant and alive again!
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    City Wrocław/Brzeg
    Country Poland
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken Polish
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone April 2, 2282 1:08 pm
    City Fort Collins
    State Colorado
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have the honor of incorporating TRE into my work as a Psychotherapist. I treat clients with a range of issues such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, and life transitions. I am also a certified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and reprocessing) therapist, Which provides a deeper level of healing than traditional talk therapy alone can provide. TRE was the missing link in my practice. Now I am able to offer a somatic body based modality to help clients release the long held neuromuscular tension patterns from not only everyday stress but long held traumatic life experiences as well. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
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    Phone 22188114
    State Sønderjylland
    Country Denmark
    Profession Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Jeg kan tilbyde TRE sessioner i min praksis i Aabenraa eller online. Jeg arrangerer også foredrag, workshops og gruppesessioner i TRE. Hos mig er du i trygge og kyndige hænder, jeg er udover at være TRE Provider selvstændig traume-og psykoterapeut og har over 10 års erfaring som terapeut. Jeg har gennem årene hjulpet mange mennesker med traumer, PTSD, angst, stress, depression, livskriser og andre forskellige personlige udfordringer psykisk som fysisk. Som behandler har jeg den tilgang, at vi alle har iboende ressourcer til selvhealing. Kroppen husker og vi kan ikke tænke os til healing af traumer eller tænke os ud af stress eller mistrivsel, vi må lade os guide af kroppen. Er du i tvivl om TRE er en metode der kan gavne dig ift. dit behov eller hvorvidt du skal vælge mig som din behandler er du velkommen til at besøge min hjemmeside for mere information eller at kontakte mig for en gratis og uforpligtigende samtale. Med venlig hilsen Malene B. Lyck (MBL Traume-og Psykoterapi)
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    Phone 006281210001308
    City Bali, DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, Jawa Tengah
    State Bali, DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, Jawa Tengah
    Country Indonesia
    Profession Other
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Learning and known TRE since 2017, certified as TRE Provider (Global Certificate) since May 2019. Conduct and Provide TRE Private, Family Group, special for Women and Children. I am also "Mindfulness Practitioner, Intuitive & Leadership Practitioner"
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    Phone +447858597580
    City London
    State London
    Country United Kingdom, Poland
    Profession Pegagogue
    Languages Spoken English, Polish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My name is Lukasz Glen and I am certified TRE® Provider. For the first time about the TRE® I learned in the summer of 2016, when I was in need and I was looking for help. It was not easy time for me and I am glad that this is behind me now. Since then, I have deepened my knowledge in the subject of stress, PTS and chronic tensions. In March 2019, I received the desired TRE® Provider Certificate. Now I help others find a way to minimize the effects of stress and tensions in the body. More about me on I work online or I can travel to your place (usually zone 1 - 3 across London, UK). Polish and English.
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    Country USA
    Languages Spoken English
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    Phone 0041525335285
    City Stein am Rhein
    State Schaffhausen
    Country Austria, Germany, Switzerland
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Basis: Dipl. Soz. Paed./ Body-Gestalttherapist (EAP)/ Hypnotrainer (NGH)/ PhD-Candidate Trainings: Body-Gestalttherapist (EAP) Theatre-Paedagogy & Psychodrama TRE-Provider® (David Bercelli) Tuning Board (Darrel Sanchez) Somatic Experiencing® (SE) (Peter Levine) (in Training) SOMA-Embodiment (Sonia Gomes) (in Training) Wim-Hof-Method-Advanced (Wim E. Hof) Seekers After Truth® Level 1-4 (Claudio Naranjo) Holotropic Breathwork®-Facilitator (Grof-Training) Hypnotrainer/ Hypnotherapist (CI, NGH) Hypnosystemic Counselling (Gunther Schmidt) Systemic-Strategic-Brief-Therapy (Giorgio Nardone) Psychodynamic-Imaginative Traumatherapy® (PITT) Systemic Family-Constellations (IADR) Shamanic Healing + Trance (Nepal/ Ecuador/ Brazil) Contemplation (Willigis Jaeger) NLP-Master (IN) Therapeutic Method(s) Practiced: - Trauma-emPower - Embodiment/ Bodytherapy - Gestalttherapy - Holotropic Breathwork® - Hypnotherapy & Trancetherapy - Inner-Team-Focusing® (ITF) - Hypno-Systemic-Coaching - Shamanic Psychology, Myth & Ritual Professional Fields of Interest: I worked as a Lecturer for Hypnosis at different german University´s (2008-2018), trained Coaches, Psychologists, Therapists and Physicians in Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy for 14+ Years now, worked in 20.000+ Sessions with Clients from different Countries and was Member of the EUROTAS-Board (2017-2019). My special 1:1-Intensive-Therapy/ -Coaching/ -Training approach is empowering, holistic, somatic and humanistic-transpersonal. Based on an early Near-Death-Experience life gave me the connection to a deep and old rooted wisdom and trust, which grew further on my personal path with my Zen-Master (Willigis Jäger), in the encounter with different traditional Shamans and also in the Trainings with Stanislav Grof and Claudio Naranjo. C.G. Jung and greek Myth are big inspirations for me and brought me on traditional Pilgrimages through Spain, in Italy, Nepal and Ecuador. I am thankful for the Teachers and all the Clients/ Participants/ Students I could meet on my path. As a EUROTAS-Supervisor I offer Online-Supervision and intensive 1:1-Trainings in Switzerland at Lake Constance. Language(s) Spoken: German, English Professional Specifications: - Trauma-emPowerment, posttraumatic growth & full Potential - Transgenerative Trauma & Healing of the "Internal Family" - 1:1-Clients & Couples (Executive Coaching & exclusive Intensive-Therapy-Format) - Inhouse-Workshops/ personal development Seminars - Certified Trainings in Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy (NGH)
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    Phone +4917641812843
    City Freiburg i. Breisgau
    State Germany/Baden Württemberg
    Country Germany
    Profession Body Worker, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, German, Spanish
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Structural Integrator, Craniosacral Therapy, TRE, Safe & Sound Protocol SEI - Somatic Emotional Integration, Yoga, Phytotherapy
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    City Vrhnika
    State Slovenia
    Country Slovenia
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken Croatian, English, Serbian, Slovenian
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +81 (0)8065151778
    City Tokyo
    State Tokyo
    Country Japan
    Profession Executive Coach, Life-Coach, Other
    Languages Spoken English, French, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio TRE provider, holds several accreditations as a Coach, certified Bodyworker with the Strozzi Institute and in training for becoming a Somatic Coach. 25 years of international working experience across Asia Pacific, Japan, Russia and Europe.Working and living in 8 countries across Europe, US and Asia
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    Phone (+48) 512 602 640
    City Gorzów Wielkopolski
    State Polska
    Country Poland
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Polish
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    Phone +48 534 964 107
    City Opole
    State Opole
    Country Poland, USA
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English, Polish
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone January 31, 2156 6:35 am
    City Edmonton
    State Alberta
    Country Canada, USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone 00447935295095
    City Tenby
    State Pembrokeshire
    Country Wales
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I am a psychotherapist who realised that Trauma, Stress and Anxiety need to be released physically from the body so we can then address any psychological issues. I work with a combination of creative ways including Psychotherapy TRE & QEC (Quantum Energy Coaching) to release patterns we are caught in both physically and mentally. I provide a safe non judgemental space for my clients to unfold and move through gently what is holding them back in life. I work in Leicestershire but also can offer individual TRE in Pembrokeshire as i spend a lot of time there also.
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    City Coralville
    State Iowa
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach, Physician, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Just because something happened a long time ago and has been going on for a long time does not necessarily mean that it cannot be changed. Changing is often not easy but it is certainly possible. I am a trauma recovery coach and work with individuals who are experiencing physical or psychological symptoms from events in their past. I will help you find a safe way to benefit from TRE. In addition I offer EFT-tapping, an alternative therapy for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and SSP (Safe and Sound Protocol) a proven method to gently help your nervous system re-regulate and re-gain a deeper sense of safety.
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    Phone 312-852-0580
    City Skokie
    State United States
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been a licensed clinical social worker for 37 years. My specialty is working with clients who are survivors of childhood trauma or interpersonal violence. TRE is one among several body-based practices that I offer as tools to clients as part of their healing process.
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    Country Poland
    Profession Trainer
    Languages Spoken English, Polish
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    Phone August 26, 2129 3:23 am
    City Portland
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist, Social-Worker, Therapist
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Hello! My name is Kyla Cadieux and I am a lisenced clinical social worker in Portland Oregon. Trauma prevention is my passion. Serving this population and recovering from my own personal traumas have taught me that recovery from stress and trauma (no matter how large or small) begins and ends with the body. I am excited to share TRE with all people who have a desire to grow, and thrive!
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    Phone 004530253605
    City Bjert
    State Sydjylland
    Country Denmark
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone November 27, 2131 6:25 pm
    City Richmond
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Jewel is an experienced yoga teacher and personal fitness coach who specializes in empowering her clients to heal in their bodies and align with their life purpose. She became a certified TRE Provider, after discovering TRE during yoga training, which has healed so much trauma in her own life that she wanted to provide it for others in their daily life. She has also studied Internal Family Systems process for healing self-parts and often weaves her many modalities together in sessions, including Restorative Yoga poses to integrate the somatic release that has occurred.
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    Website Carolyn
    Phone 503-910-8832
    City Keizer
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Educator, Social-Worker, Teacher, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
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    City Warsaw
    Country Poland
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English, Polish
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    Country USA
    Languages Spoken English
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    Phone 00351960313219
    City Reliquias
    State Portugal
    Country Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Portugal, Russia, Sweden
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist, Energy Worker, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Psychotherapist, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio In my work as a therapist for the last 35 years, my love has always been to work through the body. Over all these years my understanding and approach has shifted and become more sensitive and less effortful. So I was delighted to discover TRE, which so brilliantly and simply puts people in touch with their body's natural healing source and teaches self-regulation instead of strain and effort.
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    Phone +41774094506
    City Bremgarten AG
    State Aargau
    Country Switzerland
    Profession Business Professional, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English, German, Hungarian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Teaching and working as therapeutic Yoga teacher, my aim is to integrate the wisdom from yoga in my TRE sessions, help my clients to improve their body awareness and provide them simple & practical tools to become more grounded within themselves. I offer private sessions (1:1 or groups) in person or online and teach TRE at the University of Berne.
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    City Siodła
    State Świętokrzyskie
    Country Poland, USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, Polish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio It has been almost twenty years science I have started the search of the path of my life. Even though I have an economic education, I always felt under my skin that I should go in a direction of working with the body. I have tried tai-chi, qi-gong. Many years I have practised quite intensly yoga kundalini that made a lot of good for me. I also did learn for a yoga therapy teacher, which I stopped later with an ability to teach yoga nidra. TRE I discovered by an “accident”, when I took part in a developement workshops in Supraśle. And I fell in love with the vibrations from the first moment I faelt them. Than I decided that I definitely wanted to learn this metod and work with people. I had to wait two years more for my dream to become reality. I took a course with Ela Pakoca and I was one of the most significant days in my life. What TRE gave me? It introduced my spirit back into my body. It showed me how life can change when we let ourselves to feel our emotions and accept them. Thanks to TRE I let myself to go throught my own process, that is still going on, and that amazes me. The same way that the changes in my clients lifes that practise TRE with me, amezes me constantly. And I feel very honored to accompany them in thir process.
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    Phone September 9, 2260 5:21 pm
    City San Marcos
    State Texas
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am located in San Marcos, Texas. I am also a Certified Core Energetics Practitioner. I discovered TRE through Core Energetics. I offer private sessions and workshops.
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    Phone +4528935172
    City Albertslund, Frederiksberg, Vallensbæk Strand
    Country Denmark
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Jeg er født i 1960 og har min egen virksomhed, hvor jeg bl.a. giver individuelle TRE® sessioner samt afholder TRE® workshops. I 2000 blev jeg eksamineret gestaltterapeut, i 2011 certificeret TRE® (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise) (L1) provider, i 2013 TRE® (L2) provider, i 2014 Access Consciouness® Bars Practioner og 2016 både Access Bars® og Access Body Process Facilitator. Jeg har klinik i Albertslund, Frederiksberg og Vallensbæk Strand. Se mere på min hjemmeside. Du er meget velkommen til at kontakte mig, hvis du vil vide mere om TRE®.
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    City Saint Louis
    State Missouri
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I've been a certified EFT practitioner for years and wanted another tool to help get to the somatic roots of stress and trauma. TRE is a wonderful addition to my skill set and I'm excited to integrate it with EFT where appropriate to help parents (my focus for years) and others release stored survival energy so they can return to balance.
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    Website @trebeatamachnikowska
    Phone 608 684 484
    City Warsaw
    State Masovian
    Country Poland
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken Polish
    Online Sessions No
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    Phone 928-388-8361
    City Yuma
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone July 5, 2129 8:47 pm
    City Portland
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a massage therapist and Ortho-Bionomy practitioner with a focus on treating the physiological and neurological symptoms of varied forms of trauma.
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    Phone April 7, 2101 2:53 pm
    City Franklin
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone August 26, 2260 4:44 pm
    City New York City
    State New York
    Country USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As an actor living in New York City, TRE has become an important change in my life by releasing built up tensions in the body and freeing up creativity to speak the truth in my work. Always been fascinated by the human condition and continuing to study the connection between mind and body, I am now excited to share the simple technique of TRE with others to help restore balance and peace in their lives and allow them to become who they really are.
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    Country USA
    Languages Spoken English
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    Phone +886955841960
    City New Taipei City
    Country China, Taiwan
    Profession Licensed-Marriage-and-Family Therapist
    Languages Spoken Chinese, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Have 12years experience of teaching children English. Working as a translator in personal developing field 14 years. I am also a performance coach. Ilove life! Now I am a “wellness coach”. Suporting people live a healthy and balanced life is my mission.
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    Phone 828-243-8347
    City Asheville
    State North Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +447391166062
    City London
    State London
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Psychotherapist, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, Hindi, Urdu
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio While my work is based on experiencing relational depth in the therapy, I offer my clients trauma informed care, integrating body work (TRE) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) into my Humanistic style of working in order to help clients alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories.
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    Website Sabine Almer-Steindl
    Phone +43 664 144 80 79
    City Graz
    State Steiermark
    Country Austria
    Profession Energy Worker, Marriage-and-Family-Counselor
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Psychologische Beraterin, Familienmentorin, Humanenergetikerin
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    City Larnaca
    State Larnaca
    Country South Africa
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I am a business professional in Aviation-Maintenance. TRE® has crossed my path I believe for a reason which I now call my GIFT. TRE® has not only been a benefit for me but now I get to share the TRE® self-help tool with others in a safe environment. TRE® has brought a transformation in my life not only with stress management but assisted me letting go of past problems which were linked to emotional and physical ailments. I look forward to assisting and supporting my clients with bringing TRE® into their lives and continue spreading the word of this incredible tool
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    Country USA
    Languages Spoken English
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    Phone 647402-0133 or 416 4478677
    City Toronto
    State Ontario
    Country Canada, USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio TRE has changed my life in the most profound joyous ways. Life tastes sweeter and every moment has something wonderful to offer. My relationship with my body has changed and we have become the best of friends. I have learned through TRE that my body wants me to be happy, and joyous and calm through all the rough waves that life can offer. Dr. David Berceli has offered the world a wonderful gift and I feel grateful for this opportunity to share this.
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    Phone August 7, 2167 2:54 pm
    City Bozeman
    State Montana
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach, Trainer
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Michelle is the founder and CEO of My1FitLIfe and Live the List Nonprofit. After losing her husband in 2009, Michelle found a new love of fitness as a grief coping mechanism. Michelle decided to leave her corporate job to become a personal trainer and help change the lives of others dealing with life’s hardest circumstances. Michelle’s online virtual training company has over 2000 current members around the world and her foundation works with widows to help them find a new love for themselves and fitness, post-loss. Michelle has been recently highlighted in Shape & Fitness Magazine as well as several other publications. Michelle writes for numerous local and national publications including the Huffington Post and has contributed to articles for Prevention Magazine. Michelle’s online training company offers everything from weekly trainer written workouts for all ability levels, widows and non-widows alike, and personal customized training plans. Michelle also runs a travel adventure company that takes people around the world and helps them live their list.
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    Phone November 13, 2098 2:38 am
    City Billings
    State Montana
    Country USA
    Profession Trainer
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As a personal trainer I frequently work with clients recovering from surgery or injury. TRE is a remarkable way to release the tension and trauma experienced in the recovery process. Discharging the tension can aid and speed recovery. Stress is a huge deterrent to maintaining overall optimal health. Releasing stress through TRE is an easy, effective way to aid overall health.
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    Phone (+48) 660571646
    City Kraków
    Country Poland
    Profession Body Worker, Acupuncturist
    Languages Spoken English, Polish


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