TRE® Provider List Search Results

Below are your search results in random order. Click the + button to learn more about each provider.

  • Email
    Phone July 11, 2272 12:11 pm
    City Oakland Park
    State Florida
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Physical-Therapist, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Staisha comes from a diverse movement and healing arts background and is very in tune with the human form and the way it works. She has many years of professional experience working with people of all social, cultural, and religious backgrounds in a therapeutic setting. Staisha’s greatest strength is her unique ability to create a sense of safety which enables each individual she works with to feel comfortable and in their body.
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    Phone 12089126994
    City Nampa
    State Idaho
    Country USA
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Steve Tanner is a database developer and a Life Coach with a passion toward helping people find self-empowerment as well as how to release stress and false beliefs. Steve is a life-long learner and holds a BA in philosophy and an MDiv from Fuller Seminary. Steve is also a Certfied Neruosculpting® Facilitator. Steve wants to introduce TRE to anyone experiences chronic, toxic stress and especially to 1st Responders, Nurses, teachers and parents.
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    Phone +4522269877
    City Aarhus C
    State Aarhus
    Country Denmark
    Profession Body Worker, Occupational-Therapist, Psychotherapist, Social-Worker
    Languages Spoken Danish
    Bio Educations: occupational therapist, supervisor, leader, body worker Worked with psychiatry from 1982. Worked with differerent development projects. Made my own corporation in 2008. Taught several people in TRE, individually and in groups from 2010. The latest group is 29 socialworkers in Aarhus commune
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    Phone June 7, 2141 1:16 am
    City Washington
    State Virginia
    Country USA
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone 518-791-3156
    City Glens Falls
    State New York
    Country USA
    Profession Licensed-Massage-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Have worked as Licensed Massage Therapist for over 22 years; focus in recent years on gentler, subtler therapies, such as Lymphatic work, CranioSacral Therapy, energy modalities, Bindegewebbs. Having studied and used Trager(a movement therapy), TRE is fascinating to me and I feel is is an extremely powerful tool. Available in two locations: Glens Falls and Keene, NY.
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    Phone 886934041956
    City Taichung
    Country Taiwan
    Profession Marriage-and-Family-Counselor, Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken Chinese, English, Taiwanese
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Licensed Professional Counselor in Taiwan. Specialization & interest field: -trauma recovery, personal pressure and emotion management with Emotion Focused Therapy and body-mind integrated model. -Couple therapy.
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    Phone 00642102480569
    City Whangarei
    State Northland
    Country New Zealand
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist, Body Worker, First Responder
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio My background is in psychology and social work in UK. I now work as a Craniosacral Therapist, Reflexologist and Chi Kung teacher in Waipu and Whangarei. I fully appreciate the body's incredible capacity to self heal.
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    Phone +61422414681
    City Melbourne
    State Victoria
    Country Australia, USA
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, German, Polish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am pleased to gain my certification in TRE and to share this wonderful method with you. As a physiotherapist, working with the body for over a decade, I seek to teach people to independently care for their bodies and bring about health and well-being in the physical plain. TRE helps to teach at a body level two things I am passionate about; Freedom and Self-Regulation. I view my position as guide and facilitator bringing you more in contact with your body. I have learnt much from this approach and practice it regularly as I move through life, and to assist my work in some very challenging crisis and trauma rich environments.
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    Phone +31345530349
    City Culemborg
    State Gelderland
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio In mijn praktijk werk ik over het algemeen met mensen die fysieke en/of psychische klachten hebben. Ik werk altijd vanuit de oer krachten die in het lichaam aanwezig zijn, om de weg naar herstel op gang te helpen. Want ik ben ervan overtuigd dat het lichaam kan herstellen van ongelooflijk veel, mits er aan een aantal voorwaarden wordt voldaan. En stressreductie is één van deze voorwaarden. TRE past daarom heel erg goed in het pakket van methodes waar ik mee werk. Natuurlijk ben je ook welkom als je preventief aan je gezondheid wilt werken
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    Phone 530-261-1892
    City Mount Shasta
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Business Professional, Educator, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Trainer, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone Intl 52 55 52 80 08 19, Intl 52 55 1 5403 2673
    City Mexico City
    State Mexico City
    Country Mexico
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Mind-Body Therapist Diana Morales Psychologist & NeuroModulation Technique Practitioner “Healing without medication. It is the same wisdom that created the body, that will also heal it." In my therapeutic practice of more than 11 years I have been very fortunate in witnessing wonderful cases of recovery. From a very young age I had a great interest and curiosity in the mysteries of health in the mind and body. Paradoxically, I suffered from fibromialgia for 22 years; I found neither relief nor answers in traditional medicine. This great suffering led me to a search for congruent and non-invasive alternatives to recover my health. This path of recovery provided me with very important teachings. One of them is that we all have an "individual healing puzzle", and that this enigma necessarily involves the mind-body unit. My deep interest in the wonders of the mind-body led me to study various avant-garde techniques (in the US and Mexico) focused on the mind-body. I use my knowledge and tools, and I adapt the methodologies to the needs of each patient. There are millions of people around the world who do not find relief from their ailments in traditional methods, and suffer unnecessarily; it is very important that people know that there are other ways, other than the traditional methods, which can be our path to healing. My passion for health and my commitment to my patients keeps me in a constant search for new wisdom and capabilities that are consistent with the principles that sustain our philosophy , "Healing without medication. It is the same wisdom that created the body, that will also heal it."
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    Phone +43 680 2014608
    City Kremsmünster
    State Oberösterreich
    Country Austria, Germany, Switzerland
    Profession Trainer, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio * Since 2003: Trainer for leadership methodology & communication as well as team trainer in a military specialist pool * Since 2006: NVC Trainings in seminars, exercise groups, lectures & individual trainings with "FRIEDISCH" * Since 2012: Contact with David Bercelli, TRE recognized as "missing link" between bodywork and appreciative communication with oneself & others, since then skill enhancement in TRE and training for TRE provider. * Since 2012: Trainer, GFK-Fachverband, Germany * Since 2014: Recognition Commission for Trainers, GFK-Fachverband * Since 2015: Certified NVC-Trainer „Center for Nonviolent Communication“ * Since 2017: Teacher, Social Competence, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, medical technology * Since 2018: Self-employed with "FRIEDISCH": I made my calling to my profession: Building bridges between people * Since 2019: Certified TRE Provider * Since 2020: Trainer for Systemic self-integration, constellation work
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    Phone +47 99421435
    City Skiptvet
    State Østfold
    Country Norway
    Profession Social-Worker
    Languages Spoken Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish
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    Phone +31640590275
    City Eindhoven
    State Noord Brabant
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist, Psychotherapist, Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner, Therapist
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio From 1981 working with body therapy; Core-Energetic, Bio-energetic Analyse. Later specialist in trauma therapy: Somatic Experiencing, EMDR (Shapiro), EMI (Danie Beaulieu). ECP member (European Certificate of Psychotherapy). Member of the IIBA, NAP and SBLP. Interests: buddisme Thich Nhat Hanh; sjamanisme;art and nature. Married, mother of 4 children and 5 grandchildren 🙂
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    Phone 004915223474177
    City Bergisch Gladbach
    State Nordrhein-Westfalen
    Country Germany, India
    Profession Educator, Life-Coach, Trainer, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Aneesha is a certified Holistic Counselor and TRE Provider, as well as a relationship expert who helps people — families, couples and singles, old and young — transform their bodies, businesses, relationships, and lives, through regulating their nervous systems. All her work is trauma-sensitive. Her background is in humanistic psychology, person-centered therapy, somatic psychotherapy, nervous system & stress biology, and Relational Life Therapy (couples therapy), as well as meditation. She specializes in early childhood trauma in the context of intimate relationships. Aneesha is also well versed in the application of various methods found in Focusing and The Hakomi Method. Besides that, she uses body-based modalities including BioDynamic breath therapy and Osho Active Meditations.
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    Phone 0034684140248
    City Barcelona
    State Catalunya
    Country Hungary, Spain
    Profession Body Worker, Energy Worker, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Therapist, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, French, Hungarian, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I work with TRE® on a daily basis, and I am a TRE® Trainer's Trainee for Hungary. Apart from offering TRE®, I am a biodynamic craniosacral a biodynamic cardiovascular therapist (biodynamic osteopathy) and I also work with mindfulness, Reiki, and other somatic awareness techniques. I am a Compassionate Inquiry practitioner in training (psychosomatic approach of Dr. Gabor Mate), and I am also on my path to be certified as an Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner (Dr. Daniel Foor's framework). I am specialised in somatic awareness, and personal and intergenerational trauma resolution.
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    Phone 608-228-4172
    City Verona
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
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    City Calgary
    State Alberta
    Country Canada
    Profession Medical-Doctor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Christine is a family doctor and trauma therapist in Calgary, author of The Modern Trauma Toolkit, and @tiktoktraumadoc on socials. She is an integrated somatic trauma specialist and loves to speak about post-traumatic growth - while she's not taking on new consults pls get in touch for facilitation, workshops (Safer Spaces Trainings), and book links.
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    Phone +61414452152
    City Turramurra
    State NSW
    Country Australia, USA
    Profession Body Worker, Energy Worker, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been a Pilates teacher since 2003 having taught mostly private and rehab approach Pilates, a Yoga Instructor for 4 years, a Reiki practitioner and an Energy and Soul medicine practitioner. Embodiment is my zone of genius and TRE is one of the many tools I use to guide my clients into finding safety in feeling, releasing and expanding their energy and reconnecting to soul and purpose.
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    Phone +447308752018
    City Brighton
    State East Sussex
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Body Worker, Energy Worker, Other-Certifications, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio SHELLEY SEYMOUR – TRE® Provider & Kinesiologist Contact: +44 (0) 7308 752018 | | | | Area: Brighton & Hove UK Each of us has experienced stress, tension, and trauma in our lives. Over time this is compounded and starts to manifest in a variety of ways, including deep muscular tension patterns, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep difficulties, depression, gut issues, allergies and disease. During our sessions, we work together to facilitate the body’s natural ability to resolve these issues, restore homeostasis and increase energy and vitality. By using a combination of modalities and techniques, including Kinesiology, Tension & Trauma Release Exercises, Neuro-Gastro-Enterology and Emmett Technique, we gently reintroduce more safety to the nervous system, restore coherence to the heart and brain and regulate the gut which all contributes to feeling more grounded, calm, and peaceful. Both onsite and virtual sessions are available.
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    Phone June 9, 2147 1:54 pm
    City Clovis
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Morghan Vélez Young, PhD, is dedicated to social transformation through antiracism and decolonizing. Her books, collaborative projects, research and teaching at Fresno State University, and Healing Justice consulting show her dedication; and, antiracism and decolonizing are the through-lines that flow throughout her contributions to the amplification of community voices. Her most recent book, Nonprofit Work Is Killin' Me with Toplight Press (2023) focuses on the investments and needs of social services organizations in the context of historical social oppressions. Her dedication to healing and transformation is informed by her Choctaw, Cherokee, and Tepehuan family. She was born and raised in Yokuts Land.
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    Phone 040506423
    City Ljubljana
    State Slovenija
    Country Slovenia
    Profession Pegagogue
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
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    Phone +48 500141446
    City Cracow
    State Cracow
    Country Poland
    Profession Executive Coach, Life-Coach, Trainer, Other-Licensed-Professionals
    Languages Spoken Polish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Twórca Strefy Uwalniania | Coach | Trener komunikacji intra- oraz interpersonalnej. Od 9 lat wspieram w pracy indywidualnej i szkoleniowej, w obszarach: zdrowego myślenia i zdrowej semantyki; pracy z oporem w zmianie, przekonaniami i celami; motywacją i wypaleniem zawodowym: pracy z metaforą; odkrywania i wykorzystania naturalnych talentów, w tym stylów myślenia i działania; autentycznej komunikacji; kontaktowania się z wewnętrzną mądrością, pracy z nieuwarunkowaną świadomością oraz wyobraźnią; utrzymania zdrowia psychofizycznego; pracy z napięciami i stresem poprzez ciało. Również na poziomie organizacji pracuję metodą TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises). Moje kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie w zakresie zarządzania firmą i projektami oraz komunikacją marketingową pod marką własną Mrufka Grupa IMC, w połączeniu z zasobami coachingowymi i trenerskimi, pozwala mi także skutecznie uwalniać organizacji oraz ich pracowników od konfliktów i hamulców ich wzrostu. Jestem certyfikowanym coach’em (IC) i trenerem rozwoju osobistego, specjalistą d/s komunikacji w biznesie, doradcą zawodowym, wspieram organizacje, jako Agile Coach/ Scrum Master, Praktykiem Points of You ®, trenerem FRIS-style myślenia ®, terapeutą RTZ® i SFA. Ukończyłam Szkołę Profesjonalnego Coachingu (IC), roczny kurs podstaw pomagania Gestalt oraz sesję terapeutyczną – szkoleniową Simonton'a (wsparcie osób chorych onkologicznie i ich rodzin), Miłość terapeutyczną wg Terapii ACT oraz szkolenie z roli Chief Happiness Officer'a.
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    Phone 410.916.3737
    City Baltimore
    State Maryland
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Educator, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Somatic-Experiencing-Practitioner, Therapist, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Eleanor believes in the untold potential of each being, and stewards the human impulse towards wholeness and healing. She is known for creating sacred space and powerful facilitation. A professional training with her will grow you, as she weaves invitations for self growth and transpersonal relating into the curriculum of her professional trainings… She developed a: 50 hr Thai Yoga Massage Training (TYM) a three part level 2 TYM 25 hr Restorative Yoga Teacher Training (RYTT) a three part level 2 RYTT 50 hr Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training (TIYTT) And after 10 years of offering these programs, she partnered with a team to create 1,200 hour Trauma Informed Yoga Therapy Program. The executive director of BodyWise Foundation; Eleanor is dedicated to a life of service, she founded the non profit offering free resources to those healing trauma. A radical visionary, and conscious entrepreneur, she is the CEO of BodyWise Institute. Eleanor is dedicated to her own self transformation, and studied with /is certified in: -Somatic Experiencing with Dr. Peter Levine -Trauma Releasing Exercises with Maria Alfaro/ TRE -Structural Integration (also know as Rolfing) with Tom Meyers/Kenisis -Trauma with Dr. Bessel Van derKolk -Trauma Sensitive Care with David Emmerson and the Justice Resource Center -Psychology with Towson University -Nutrition with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition -Breath Work with Jessica Dibb/ICS, Jim Morningstar, and Clarity Breath work -Thai Massage with International Training Massage School (Thailand), and one on one apprenticeships with masters -Yoga with Nosara Yoga Institute (Costa Rica), Indu Jane Fyer, Jillian Pransky, Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Center (India), Elena Brower, Rodney Yee, Noah Maze, Passion Yoga School, John Friend, Sivanada Yoga Ashram, Kim Manifredi, Shiva Rae, Sean Corne, AcroYoga International Eleanor has always believed what the research now confirms: embodiment and mindful movement heal. We can change our biology, neurology, and physiology through movement. She has been teaching yoga since 2006, and practicing yoga since the age of six! As a child and teen she was a ranking competitive swimmer. After college she began mountaineering and stepped on stage as a professional acrobat. Intentionally moving her body and into flow states, Eleanor has transformed her experience of having a body. Ecstatic dancing, primal movement training and rock climbing have been powerful modalities in her personal healing journey. She is outside when ever possible hiking, surfing, backpacking, skiing, scuba diving, rock climbing, and howling at the moon. A seeker of self understanding, Eleanor spent considerable time living in Buddhist Monasteries in both India and Nepal. She continues striving to deepen a personal practice, presence, and mindfulness. A powerful urge within took her to the west coast where she studied plant medicine with a First Nation Medicine woman. Her dedication to be of service for our planet motivated her to volunteer with children in Central America for 3 years, and to address climate change in India for 2 years. Eleanor is a community builder. She recognizes the importance of relationships, belonging, authenticity, vulnerability, and sharing ourselves with others. Before developing her own material, she worked as a senior instructor and mentor during 200hr YTT programs. El felt is was a great privilege to support students finding their voices.
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    Phone +351911881910
    City Lisbon
    State Lisbon
    Country Portugal, South Africa
    Profession Psychologist
    Languages Spoken Afrikaans, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Francois Smit is a psychologist who works with children, adolescents and adults. He has experience as a counsellor and educational psychologist connecting people of all ages to affective life strategies. He has learned about effective counselling in the school environment and as a student counsellor at a private university, he counselled youth and their parents who struggled with arrange of circumstances. As a skilled psychologist, he is creative and a keen listener. Life and work experience have taught him a very personalised approach. Francois has experience with issues of anxiety, ADHD, depression, mood and adjustment disorders, learning disorders, social, academic issues. Francois received his Bachelors Degree and his Masters degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Pretoria. Francois completed post graduate work in the areas of child, adolescent, adult and family psychology techniques including Expressive Arts Therapy, TRE (Trauma, stress and anxiety therapeutically support), Mindfulness and Parent Effectiveness Training.
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    Phone 14158142442
    City San Francisco
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Chiropractor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Dr. Christine Cantwell DC is a gentle and holistic chiropractor who focuses on care for pregnant women and their families, she is always looking for ways to her give clients skills for self care and release of tension in between adjustments. One of the best tools for this, is TRE, Tension Releasing Exercises, which is a simple body centered method. TRE is highly adaptable to different bodies, needs and circumstances and once learned can be practiced on an ongoing basis, allowing people to learn to use their bodies innate stress release mechanisms to settle and calm an overactive stress response in the nervous system. Dr. Cantwell is a certified TRE provider and has worked with individuals and groups to bring about greater awareness of stored tension and the possibility to establish safety so that more mental and physical ease and freedom of movement can come about.
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    Phone +44 7905 716516
    City Harrogate
    State North Yorkshire
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Educator
    Languages Spoken English, French, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio A teacher of languages for many years, I have trained in many disciplines that reflect my passion for communication, growth, self-knowledge and healing. Now I combine this learning with sharing the wonders of TRE with all ages.
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    Phone +4525620912
    City Silkeborg
    Country Denmark
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I work with TRE alone or together with other psychotherapist-techniques as well as healing.depending on your needs. The purpose of my working: Support you to find home to your own inner core. I work with small groups or have individuel sessions, with clients as well as pupils from T.R.E .education. I participate in the education to become Fascial Flow guide.
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    City San Francisco
    State California
    Country Italy, USA
    Profession Life-Coach, Other-Licensed-Professionals, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, Italian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Barbara is a neuroscientist, a mom, a wellness advocate and a foodie. Originally from Italy she became interested in the brain at the end of her master degree and moved to Switzerland to learn more about it. During her career as scientist that brought her to Harvard University, Tufts Medical School and private pharmaceutical companies she quickly realized that she needed better tools to cope with the stress. She left her scientist world and set out to create her own program that could help herself and others to keep up with today’s busy schedule and demands. Barbara is a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach, a certified Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) provider and a sound healing expert.
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    Phone +31 6 28761590
    City Bussum
    State Noord Holland
    Country Netherlands
    Profession Body Worker, Life-Coach, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Sandra has longtime experience with working with pelvic health through the practice of yoga and movement. She integrates mental and sensory awareness with the physical body. She combines this with work on establishing personal boundaries, stress release, wellbeing and diet.
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    Phone +40 (755) 951 263
    City BACAU
    State Romania
    Country Romania
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, Romanian
    Bio I am a Certified TRE® provider licensed in Biology, NLP Coach with studies in Systemic Couple and Family Therapy and a genuine intention to bring peace and calmness in people life’s by revealing the magic that is happening in the body and mind while using TRE®. I experienced the great benefits of TRE® in my body as well as witnessed it in other people bodies that I worked with. I have worked with women from a shelter for abused mothers as well as with people with anxiety, chronic pain, depression, communication difficulties, stress, sleep difficulties and the awesome results made me passionate about spreading TRE® and give the people the information about it. TRE® is an easy usable tool accessible to everybody which can be used for releasing stress, emotions, tension and bringing the whole body in balance. I offer individual sessions as well as group sessions for men and women in a gentle and caring way.
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    Phone +6285881589982
    City Jakarta, Kudus, Balikpapan
    State Tangerang, DKI Jakarta, Central Java, East Kalimantan
    Country Indonesia
    Profession Business Professional, Therapist, Other
    Languages Spoken English, German, Javanese
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone June 16, 1990 3:45 am
    City Paris
    Country USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, French, Sunda
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +37129423235
    City Riga
    State Latvia
    Country Latvia
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English, Latvia
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone November 13, 2098 1:52 am
    City Peoria
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Chad was born and raised in Billings, MT. He was always a happy-go-lucky kid who was the life of the party. Chad was raised by a single mom who worked extremely hard to make ends meet and to raise 3 responsible children. Chad wanted a different way and he heard the military was a way to pave the path to a better future. Immediately after high school, he enlisted in the Army and he joined as an 11Bravo. During basic training, Chad was offered an airborne slot and during airborne school met up with the 75th Ranger Regiment liaison. At the time Chad had no idea that he would graduate and be guided through RIP (Ranger Indoctrination Program) by one of the most famous Rangers of all time, Sgt. Jeff Struecker. Chad was stationed at 2nd Ranger Battalion and the 24th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, WA. where he was part of the Weapons Platoon. Some of his favorite weapon systems were the Gustaf, Barret 50 Cal. and he was one of the 1st “classes” that was certified on the Javelin. Chad came out as a changed man… just not the changed man he expected. Being put right back into civilian life like he never left and unprepared for the challenges that faced him was not what he had imagined. He looked at the world entirely different. He was no longer the happy-go-lucky kid. He was anxious, angry, and confused. He could no longer drive down the street, go to the movies, or sit in a restaurant without being on edge. He was always on high alert and “peaked out.” He sought therapy on his own but never found the right fit and it didn’t seem like anyone understood him. It wasn’t until 20 years later that his then girlfriend, now wife introduced him to TRE (Trauma Release Exercises). Chad was extremely skeptical about it all but gave it shot. Four years after being introduced to TRE, he decided to become a certified provider to help others. He has finally found his passion and mission in life. Although TRE is a useful tool for literally everyone, his main focus is to work with active duty, veterans, and first responders. As mentioned, Chad was born and raised in a tight-knit Montana community, where your reputation meant everything. He made sure to bring that mentality with him to sunny Arizona, the place he has called home for the past 15 years. Chad was lucky enough to find someone that could put up with his childhood antics and love him for who he is. He can say without a doubt that he married his best friend and he wouldn’t be where he is today without her. They have 2 little boys, Conor and Colin, who have made him want to be an even better man. Chad is a graduate of Arizona State University and is a huge Sun Devils fan. He is a huge sports fan in general and has been a die-hard Chicago Bears fan since the young age of 7. All in all, he strives to provide massive value to others and will treat you the way he would expect to be treated- with loyalty, honesty, and respect.
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    Phone +82-10-4044-3307
    City Seoul, Goyang
    State Seoul, Gyeonggy-do
    Country South Korea
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, South Korean
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am Seoul based TRE provider. I am survivor of non-physical dating violence. I run a blog where I share information about patterns of non-physical violence in various types of relationships. I used to run a support group meeting for victims of narcissistic abuse through which I deepened my understanding on physical and psychological discomforts that the victims experience. I began my TRE journey with hopes that TRE could help healing both victims and abusers and furthermore preventing potential abusers from becoming abusers. I am a big fan of neurophysiology, especially Polyvagal theory, and into educating people to understand their behaviors with compassion and understandings of autonomic nervous system. I translate books(English to South Korean) related to verbal abuse, trauma, and relationships. If you would like to know more about me and my work, please visit my blog; 안녕하세요? 저는 한국에 거주하는 TRE 프로바이더입니다. 신체 폭력이 동반되지 않은 정서적 폭력을 경험한 뒤, 가해자와 피해자의 다이나믹을 공부하는 과정에서 트라우마라는 주제를 만나게 되었습니다. 베셀 반 데어 콜크 박사의 '몸은 기억한다'를 읽으면서 트라우마 치유에 신체적인 접근이 필수임을 배웠고, 어떤 방법이 있을까 찾던 중에 TRE를 만났습니다. 다미주신경이론을 바탕으로 자기에 대한 이해를 높이는 강의와 TRE 세션을 하는 데 관심이 있습니다. 제 활동이나 세션이 궁금하시면 제 블로그를 방문해주세요.
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    Phone +19894305833
    City Denver
    State Colorado
    Country USA
    Profession Social-Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a Clinical Social Worker who has experience working in Asia, Central America and the USA. Most recently I was working at an NGO in Phnom Penh, Cambodia working with human rights abuse survivors. I have experience working with children, adolescents and adults who have experienced abuse, domestic violence, loss and mental health issues.
  • Email
    Phone 303-776-0467
    City Longmont
    State Colorado
    Country USA
    Profession Physician
    Languages Spoken English, Spanish
    Bio I am a Family Physician (MD) and certified homeopath who also provides TRE training and mind body skills training. I recognize that treatment respecting the integration of the mind and body is essential for healing.
  • Email
    City Monona
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker, Occupational-Therapist, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I'm passionate about helping you reconnect to your inner power, wisdom, and innate healing capacity. I have a Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy and training in a wide variety of integrative health and wellness modalities. I look forward to working with you on your unique healing journey!
  • Email
    Phone April 5, 2000 3:48 pm
    City Koh Samui
    State Surat Thani
    Country Thailand, USA
    Profession Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Languages Spoken English, Thai
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have a passion for seeing people free - from the inside out. Husband and father, 15-year United States Navy veteran turned hospitality entrepreneur and global citizen. Incorporating TRE into my life has produced profound and transformative outcomes.
  • Email
    Phone 250-538-2411
    City Saltspring Island
    State British Columbia
    Country Canada
    Profession Licensed-Massage-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Mardon Dary is a practicing RMT of 23+ years. Drawing on her skills from working as a massage therapist, Mardon has a natural gift of helping people feel safe and comfortable, as well as a deepened understanding of the human body.Mardon is passionate about TRE® as it empowers us to heal ourselves.
  • Email
    Phone March 8, 1983 1:13 am
    City Cairns
    State Queensland
    Country Australia
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As a qualified and registered Counsellor/Psychotherapist over 14 years, my work has covered Critical Incidents Stress Debriefing, people bereaved by suicide, alcohol and drug counselling, general anxiety, stress, depression and PTSD. My journey through TRE however has not just allowed myself to heal on a physical level but has changed my direction to work with clients more holistically. With a post graduate diploma in Ontological Coaching I assist individuals to move more empowered into their future. As a certified TRE provider I work with individuals and groups. I elicit learning and self observations with ease. I offer an authentic connection and deep listening and invite participants to be in a place of safety and ease to tune into themselves and grow.
  • Email
    Phone April 23, 2198 2:46 pm
    City Atascadero
    State United States
    Country USA
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, Spanish
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Lara J. Day's unique approach to healing synergistically combines the innate wisdom held in the body and autonomic nervous system with qigong healing techniques from her teachers, Damaris Jarboux and Robert Peng. Lara guides her clients into activating their own neurogenic tremor response, interweaving the qigong healing as the natural tremor process unfolds. The physical body and energy body, together, are thus able to unwind and release trapped patterns of tension, trauma and stress. Lara has a private practice in San Luis Obispo, California. After many years of teaching yoga, she became a dedicated qigong student in 2008, finishing Damaris Jarboux's 4-year practitioner training in 2012. Lara has also studied regularly with Master Robert Peng since 2014.
  • Email
    Phone 0419 101 665
    City Brisbane
    State Queensland
    Country Australia
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Trainer, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been working in mind-body health for over 20 years. I am a qualified Counsellor, Counselling Supervisor, Meditation teacher and TRE Global Certification Trainer. I deeply believe in providing people with techniques to empower themselves and TRE is by far the most effective technique that I have come across to support people in healing and transforming their physical and psychological well being. I teach individuals and groups and am continually in awe of the capacity of the body to heal with this simple yet profound practice. I would be honored to support you in your healing.
  • Email
    Phone +27832606770
    City Johannesburg
    State Gauteng
    Country South Africa
    Profession Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Reflexologist Reiki practitioner
  • Email
    Phone 07949958812
    City London
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Rachel passionately believes that anyone overwhelmed by the intensity of modern life and work should know about TRE® as a tool for self-regulation and returning to balance and optimal health. She has experienced first hand the magic of TRE® in her recovery from a period of work-induced stress and burnout. She is committed to facilitating others in the process of letting go of deeply held trauma and guiding them on a journey back to their natural state of lightness, calm and joy through experiencing greater connection with the body. Rachel’s experience working for International NGOs and for a top global communications agency in London has convinced her of TRE®’s universal benefit to all people and communities, from commercial centres to post-conflict societies.
  • Email
    Phone April 14, 2049 7:02 am
    City Campbell River Central
    State British Columbia
    Country Canada, USA
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, French
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Sarah Ronhovde completed her Masters of Physical Therapy at the University of British Columbia. With a history of national level athletics and varied work, education, and life experience, Sarah approaches each client with a holistic and innovative approach true to the Epic Philosophy: each client is the hero of their own journey. The whole person, with their individual past & present chronicles and goals for the future is considered when developing a treatment plan. Education and rehabilitative exercises for the body, mind and soul are the cornerstones of treatment she provides, alongside intentional manual therapy techniques when indicated. “Clinician Heal Thyself!” No stranger to the process of injury recovery, Sarah’s passion for holistic care came through observing her own body’s response to healing both acute and chronic pain; from those physically sustained on the rugby field to those impacting the mind and spirit. Her tireless commitment to understanding how we are designed to heal (and what is happening when we don’t) inspires her continued education. After finishing her MPT, she attended an intensive program in Japanese Psychology, developing her skills in addressing the mental components of recovery. She went on to complete numerous orthopaedic courses, including Level III Advanced Orthopaedic Manual Therapy. Recognizing remaining limitations in her expertise, Sarah completed her training as a provider of Tension Releasing Exercises (TRE ®). Through this comprehensive education, the intimate body/mind/spirit connection clarified the mechanisms by which emotions and stress significantly impact recovery. Combined with integrating into her practice the most current research and treatment methodology for chronic pain, Sarah believes that empowering clients to be instruments of their own healing is crucial to achieving pain free mobility, for life!
  • Email
    Phone 715-861-2030
    City Chippewa Falls
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Licensed-Massage-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I believe that we can all live a balanced, peaceful life with the right tools. We are all different and the key is to finding the right combination that works with each individual. My passion is helping people find the right dots to connect to make their picture complete. I am currently a licensed massage therapist building a wellness center aimed at ptsd clientele. I use TRE® as another missing link in the wellness of clients.
  • Email
    Phone 0816944143,081280415796
    City jakarta
    State DKI Jakarta
    Country Indonesia
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English, Javanese
    Bio Certified Provider TRE® (Tension-Stress-Trauma Release), Hypnotherapist (Akademi Hipnoterapi Indonesia), Trainer, Life Coach
  • Email
    Phone 082 331 2061
    City Durbanville
    State Western Cape
    Country South Africa
    Profession Life-Coach
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Anni, the Lead Practitioner at Alchemica Personal Transformation and Coaching, supports clients to make their dreams a reality through guiding them to improve how they think about themselves, their dreams and the world they live in. The Alchemica approach supports you to transform your body, mind and energy through the use of techniques from neuroscience-based coaching, mindfulness, stress & tension releasing body work (TRE®) and modalities to transform your energy & vitality. Embrace the privilege of becoming who you truly are! Contact Anni on and learn more about the Alchemica approach on


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