TRE® Provider List Search Results

Below are your search results in random order. Click the + button to learn more about each provider.

  • Email
    Phone 00493086334005
    City Berlin
    State Berlin
    Country Germany
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Country United Kingdom, Poland
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, Polish
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    Phone (215)292-9834
    City Warminster
    State Pennsylvania
    Country USA
    Profession Educator, Life-Coach, Trainer, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Mike Thomas, NSCA-CPT, Educator, Writer, HFL Integrative Coach, Holistic Fitness Trainer, and Spiritual Strategist is the innovator and co-owner of Holistic Fitness Lifestyle and has been trained and certified by Dr. Matt James, of The Empowerment Partnership, and Board Certified by the Association for Integrative Psychology as a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Master Practitioner of Hypnosis and Mental Emotional Release® Therapy. He is certified by the NSCA as a Personal Fitness Trainer (NSCA-CPT) and is dedicated to the balance of mind and body. With nearly 2 decades of experience in the field, his innovations support optimal mind-body integration with remarkable results. He has created a new, holistic approach to fitness that cultivates a focused mind, a strong body, and emotional intelligence to support your most joyful and exuberant life. Allow Mike to coach you to the limitless energy that comes from a deeper connection to spirit, that is a deepened connection to what is most important you you! By combining the very different, yet complimentary Eastern and Western approaches to fitness, he has developed a unique style of training resulting in balance on all levels: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. As a teacher and role model in his field, he encourages his clients to open their minds to use a holistic, comprehensive view of life, and fitness is simply a tool for fulfillment and expanding consciousness. Mike is a welcoming presence for all who wish to find deep healing, and reconnect with their greater life path and potential. Mike continues to learn and grow in mind and body in order to further his impact on his clients and the community. Mike has always had a gift for seeing the great things in people and in life, and growing at a rapid rate from that resulting ability and insight. How? Faith. Faith that greater possibilities lie in cultivating “how,” seeking strategies to heal, grow, and lead by example, with a strong inner connection to “why,” through choosing to cultivate empowering beliefs through deep inner work. Mike offers individual and group classes in TRE, "Mindfulness and Movement" (which supports deepened somatic awareness to compliment TRE practice) and will soon be offering a class called “Addiction Solutions,” supporting neurological safety among many other aspects of chronic stress management and “Repatterning” unconscious habits to balance all levels of the brain, mind, and body. Mike’s approach to healing and personal growth cultivates a “ground level,” pragmatic approach to expanding mind-body connection, a life of meaning and purpose, and simple, strategic steps to cultivating an authentically powerful life. This process he refers to as living with “Everyday Consciousness.” Look on this website under "Find a Training" at the top of this page, then click "Recurring TRE Workshops" for Mike's weekly Drop-In TRE classes held at Airmid Wellness and Counselling Center on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8pm every week in Warminster, PA!
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    Phone 07742916045
    City Bristol
    State Somerset
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I qualified as TRE provider in January 2018. My background is in Person-Centred Counsellng (diploma 1996) and Dance Movement Psychotherapy (Diploma 2017). For over 20 years I have worked as a support worker for adults with mental health difficulties. I suffered from anxiety throughout my adult life and whilst therapy had helped me manage my problems TRE was the only method I found that got rid of the anxiety and bought me genuine peace.
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    Phone +6590056378
    City Singapore
    State Singapore
    Country Singapore, Thailand
    Profession Executive Coach
    Languages Spoken English, Thai
    Online Sessions Yes
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    City Cambridge
    State Cambridgeshire
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Business Professional, Life-Coach, Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a transpersonal therapist and have a passion to help individuals connect to their own deepest wisdom and purpose. My working life has spanned working in both drug rehabs as well as the business sector so I believe I have an ability to connect with people on all levels. I have found that our body is one of the clearest and most reliable tools to help navigate this terrain. I use many different body based modalities and am now delighted to be able to include TRE within my offerings. Our western lifestyle seems to be a natural incubator for stress and dis-ease and I believe that TRE provides a much needed antidote for this. I offer skype sessions as well as group and individual sessions.
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    Country Denmark
    Profession Other-Licensed-Professionals
    Languages Spoken Danish, English
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    Phone 903-231-3620
    City Ben Wheeler
    State Texas
    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Social-Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +46 70 224 77 07
    City Stockholm
    State Stockholm
    Country Sweden
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken English, Swedish
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone February 8, 2067 12:23 pm
    City North Battleford
    State Saskatchewan
    Country Canada
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio After a lifetime of suffering from anxiety/panic attacks, I was hooked after a TRE workshop. I spent most of my working career as a Sales Director. I have also taken a "Spiritual Life Coaching" course to assist me in that position and am currently a volunteer for Victim Services. During this time, I saw the struggles that we all face with self esteem, deserve levels, relationships, etc, etc, etc. TRE connected all of the dots and just made sense in my mind and in my heart. I loved the fact that you can learn this technique and practice it on your own. As someone who has also engaged in athletic competition personally or with family members, I see the benefit that TRE can give the body to heal. Stress and trauma is a part of the human experience and is unfortunately responsible for so much suffering both physically and mentally. I am passionate about helping others to be the best version of themselves that they can be.
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    Phone 0032477484747
    City Antwerp
    State Antwerp
    Country Belgium
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken Dutch, English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Maria begeleidt al 20 jaar mensen rond bewustwording, oa via meditaties waarbij het lichaamsbewustzijn en voelen centraal staan. Als vroedvrouw van het leven, door de juiste energie neer te zetten en door te geven, helpt ze anderen inzicht te krijgen in zichzelf en het leven én antwoorden te vinden op vragen. Maria gecertificeerd TRE-provider, wat perfect aansluit bij het lichaamsgericht werk wat ze al eerder deed. Een extra opleiding om te kunnen werken met kinderen en tieners, bij dokter Melanie Salmon, geeft haar de mogelijkheid om elk lid van een gezin te ondersteunen indien nodig. Bijkomende opleidingen QEC bij Melanie Salmon en Systemisch werk maken dat er een breed draagvlak is om, indien nodig, naast TRE ook te werken vanuit andere invalshoeken. Om precies datgene aan te kunnen reiken wat de cliënt nodig heeft, zodat hij/zij bekrachtigd wordt, zodat hij/zij tegelijkertijd met meer energie en innerlijke rust in het leven kan staan. Maria werkt oa samen met het IHBV, instituut voor hoogbegaafden. Ze gaf/geeft ook workshops en sessies op vraag van oa groepspraktijk EQilibre in Neerijse, osteopathie-praktijk Francis Weyts in Edegem, geboortecentrum De Kraamvogel in Antwerpen en de Avalonhoeve in Scheldewindeke.
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    Phone +31625073508
    City Amsterdam
    State Noord-Holland
    Country Germany, Jordan, Netherlands, UAE
    Profession Trainer
    Languages Spoken Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As an Arabist I enjoy connecting people and building bridges. With my Middle East and North Africa expertise, I work as a trainer and facilitator with international organisations, NGOs and teams in the region, as well as with groups of mixed backgrounds in Europe. I offer support in organisation development, team building and professional development. I use participatory and interactive methods and techniques. Areas of expertise include gender-based violence; Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325), peacebuilding, migration, refugees, gender and inclusion. A growing part of my work consists of stress management and trauma prevention. My background as a Critical Alignment Yoga teacher and certified TRE Provider blends in naturally here. The importance of physical and mental fitness is often underestimated. Working with TRE as self-help method is very practical. It enables you to release tension on a deep level, and to learn to regulate it yourself. Clients say: “Nicolien is engaged and enthusiastic. She creates a safe environment and her sense of humour gives space. Her style of working is open, energizing and appreciative without losing content or nuances.” I have Dutch and german roots. I grew up in the United Arab Emirates, and lived in Libya and Morocco. On a regular base you can find me training in countries like Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia. More information on LinkedIn:
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    Phone February 27, 2092 4:03 pm
    City Salt Lake City
    State Utah
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Lisa Karasek is an important facilitator bringing forth a paradigm shift around self relationship, tension and trauma, eating psychology, and intuitive life practice. Lisa is dedicated to being present with and overcoming the psychological, emotional, and physical resistances through lifestyle coaching and trauma release. Lisa's professional certifications include TRE®, Eating Psychology Coaching, Conscious Development, Holistic Business Practices, and Motivational Leadership and Intuition Education.
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    Phone +44 7507 836163
    City Esher
    State Surrey
    Country United Kingdom, South Africa
    Profession Business Professional
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio I am a certified TRE® Provider working with individuals and small groups. I have also facilitated sessions with children, the young and the old, who have sports injuries, back injuries and general wear and tear on the body. Or those who find that the stress of life is just too much to bear. TRE® is tool for life and once you learn the technique you can do it by yourself in the comfort of your own home. I look forward to meeting you and teaching you this essential tool for life!
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    Phone 503-252-5243
    City Lake Oswego
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Caroline is a Certified TRE Provider, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a Certified Jungian Life Coach. In her counseling practice, she supports Teens & Young Adults who are struggling with the stressors & anxieties of school, friends, families and the ups & downs of life. She uses a holistic approach and often integrates creative therapy techniques such as expressive arts therapy, Yoga Calm®, play and sandtray therapy, and mindfulness-based coping strategies. In her coaching practice, she works with therapists who want to expand their work with clients, but in a more adaptable, creative way. She also works with adults who are ready to move forward, shift into those big, life transitions, create their next calling, and reclaim their life.
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    Phone September 3, 2129 4:05 am
    City Portland
    State Oregon
    Country USA
    Profession Acupuncturist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio A deep listening and compassion—grounded in the wisdom teachings of Shan Ren Dao—animate my TRE practice with clients.
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    Phone 16263936474
    City San Dimas
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Indyra is a MindBody Practitioner who has studied and practiced as a doula, childbirth educator, massage therapist, elementary school counselor, is TRE certified and is an Integrated Healing practitioner. Indyra pulls from her extensive knowledge in the healing arts and collaborates with her clients to create a unique healing journey. She enjoys helping her clients find their own connection between mind, body and spirit; a re-connection that encourages healing and wholeness.
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    Phone August 17, 2075 7:19 pm
    City Siena
    State Ilaly
    Country Italy
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken Italian
    Bio Counselor olistico sistemico relazionale
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    Phone 608-553-3342
    City Sun Prairie
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Nurse
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Rachel Chenoweth, BSN, RN, CLC has been a Certified TRE provider since November of 2017. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and a minor in Spanish for the Healthcare Profession from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 2012. Rachel practices as a child/adolescent psychiatric nurse at a local hospital. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Rachel has utilized TRE in her daily life for the past 2.5 years following a traumatic experience. She has seen TRE decrease the effects of stress, anxiety, and trauma in her own life, as well as others that she has had the pleasure of teaching.
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    Phone (510) 519-4244
    City Pinole
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions No
    Bio Ashley is a former professional dancer and currently teaches yoga and dance in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ashley incorporates all movement modalities to help the practitioner release tension and stress. Ashley found TRE after her first 200hrs yoga teacher training in 2015 and due to unexpected life circumstances, she felt the need to learn more and share the healing gifts of TRE. Ashley finished her TRE certification in the spring of 2018. You can learn more on her website:
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    City Abbeville
    State South Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Social-Worker, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a Licensed Addiction Counselor and a Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker. I currently work at a university in the counseling center for students. I spent more than 25 years working in substance abuse counseling and with co-occurring disorders. I have studied trauma counseling for several years as trauma has often been an underlying issue of symptoms that I have treated. Most recently, With students, the primary complaint is anxiety and stress. I have found that TRE has been very successful with these symptoms and has given students a way to help regulate emotional distress and move forward with their lives. I think a combination of talk therapy and TRE works very well, but have found that TRE alone helps with emotional regulation as well.
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    Phone 00386 40240624
    City Komenda
    State Slovenia
    Country Slovenia
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken Croatian, English, Slovenian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Msc. Food Science and Nutrition Certified Mind Body Eating Coach Trauma Informed Practitioner
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    Phone +447840069075
    City Newton Abbot
    State Devon
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have completed Level One and Two of the TRE training; completed the practicum which qualifies you to work as TRE practitioner; attended a 2 day training course on delivering TRE to children and young people (led by Melanie Salmon, an international trainer who specialises in TRE with children) and attended a one day training on using Interventions in TRE to support the tremors to move through the body. In addition to being trained in TRE, I'm also a qualified Play Therapist and a Certified Foundational Theraplay Practitioner, so I have several strings to my bow! I have worked with children and young people for about 20 years now. I have worked in residential children's homes, worked as a teacher, a mental health worker and I now work as a self-employed children's therapist. I support parents/carers to support their child/ren, as well as offering therapy to young people and consultation on emotional and behavioural issues to professionals in the children's work force. Working for the NHS in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is what stimulated my interest in trauma. Since then I have gone on to specialise in working with adopted children and it's through this work that I got drawn to training in TRE as a way to help the body let go of the trauma it stores. Whilst the psychological therapies have a lot to offer in healing trauma, my experience has taught me that the body often needs additional, more direct help to heal. Please do get in contact if you have any questions.
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    Phone 831-427-9108
    City Santa Cruz
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English, Hungarian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Eva Rider MA; LMFT, CHT is a Jungian Depth Psychotherapist and Dream Practitioner with extensive training background in Marion Woodman's BodySoul Rhythms® and certifications in Hypnotherapy and TRE®. Eva is available for individual sessions in Santa Cruz, California and Zoom sessions long distance. She provides a 3 level approach to self discovery and meaning via accessing body, imagination and the dream.
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    Phone 336-202-7919
    State North Carolina
    Country USA
    Profession Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
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    City Visoko
    State Visoko
    Country Slovenia
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, Slovenian
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone +46731503771
    City Saltsjö-Boo
    State Stockholm
    Country Sweden, USA
    Profession Physical-Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, Spanish, Swedish
    Online Sessions No
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    Phone 00353876535872
    City Co Tipperary
    State Tipperary
    Country Ireland
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been working in the area of counselling and psychotherapy for the last 25 years. I trained in biodynamic psychotherapy which has a strong body work focus.I have been practicing meditation for the last 20 years and over the last 7 years I have been facilitating the 8 week Mindfulness programme developed by Jon Kabat Zinn. TRE has reconnected me with the intelligence of the body and it's natural ability to recover from stress and trauma. I have an interest in working with early developmental trauma. TRE has been a part of my own recovery from early trauma and the process has helped me in a gentle way develop trust in my body's ability to find new pathways of recovery and resilience. TRE has also enriched my mindfulness practice. Mindful awareness and allowing the body to be is an integral part of TRE practice. I enjoy facilitating TRE group sessions. It is an empowering process. I also find that on an individual basis TRE is a great complement to psychotherapeutic work.
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    Phone 00353879833335
    City Waterford
    Country Ireland
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio TRE Provider, Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapist, Quantum Energy Coach and Safe and Sound Protocol Facilitator. I am passionate that coming into relationship with our bodies in the present moment is key to healing our trauma and becoming the best versions of ourselves, both physically and emotionally.
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    Phone 415-828-9020
    City Madison
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Yoga-Instructor
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Ellen McKenzie is a TRE Provider, Certification Trainer Trainee, and C-IAYT 1000 Hour Yoga Therapist and E-500 RYT yoga teacher. She offers TRE in both group and individual sessions. You can learn more about Ellen and her work at or
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    Phone 845-334-9340
    City Kingston
    State New York
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker, Energy Worker, Licensed-Massage-Therapist, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines, Acupuncturist, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have been in practice for almost 35 years treating patients and helping them take care of themselves. I am a teacher of many different acupuncture and massage techniques. I am also part of the AWB (Acupuncturists Without Borders) Israeli team. We go to Israel and train Acupuncturists on the NADA protocol for stress reduction. TRE is a wonderful adjunctive therapy to the therapies that I use in the office and abroad. It gives the patient the opportunity to help themselves.
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    Phone 1.780.993.6304
    City Edmonton
    State Alberta
    Country Canada
    Profession Psychotherapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I use a unique combination of therapeutic practices based on over 25 years of experience in the areas of psychology, holistic health, and meditation. The main modalities in my integrative approach to healing are ​Hakomi, Re-Creation of the Self (R-CS), Attachment Therapy​, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and TRE® ​(Trauma & Tension Releasing Exercises).
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    Phone September 9, 2075 5:53 pm
    City Rome
    State Rome
    Country Italy
    Profession Clinical Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, Italian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a clinical Psychologist. I'am graduated in Philosophy, Psychological Sciences and Techniques and Clinical Psychology; I followed the clinical internship in bionergetic analysis and strategic psychotherapy. Since 2012 I deal with psycho-physical therapies, bodyworking and vibrational energy techniques. I am a certified operator T.R.E. and trainer of Zhineng Qigong. I work in Rome and I am available to therapy and consult via Skype. Sono laureato in Filosofia, Scienze e tecniche psicologiche e Psicologia Clinica; ho seguito il tirocinio clinico in analisi bionergetica e psicoterapia strategica. Dal 2012 mi occupo di terapie psicocorporee, bodyworking e tecniche energetiche vibrazionali. Sono operatore certificato T.R.E. e insegnante di Zhineng Qigong. Lavoro a Roma e sono disponibile a sedute e consulti via skype.
    Full Bio (B) DOWNLOAD
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    Phone 00393939321317
    City Rome
    State Italy
    Country Italy
    Profession Bioenergetics Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, Italian
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio "INTEGRAL YOGA "and "PSYCHOSOMATIC YOGA" teacher since 1998, graduated in Rome to High School Integral Yoga “Rhuani Satsang “Graduated and Member of the Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis as "BIOENERGETIC THERAPIST" and working with clients since 2011. "TRE" Provider graduated in 2017. She works now with "CORE EVOLUTION BODY ORIENTED THERAPY." She also works with " BODY VOICE", the voice work, as expression of blocked emotions. Flavia leads TRE and Bioenergetic group and work with clients for individual session.
    Full Bio (B) DOWNLOAD
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    Phone 04455-32642360
    City Mexico
    State Mexico
    Country Mexico, USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English, Spanish
    Online Sessions No
    Bio I have been teaching yoga for the past 20 years exploring,studying and teaching ways of rescuing the intelligence of the body. I also practice mindfulness meditation. TRE provides me know with a tool that I can offer to my students so they can go deeper in their process of healing and self-awareness.
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    Phone +15873352611
    City Edmonton
    State Alberta
    Country Canada
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Bio Both personally and as a therapist I have had a particular interest in studying and developing body centered practices. My own journey with chonic pain has been both rich and challenging. It continues to take me further into understanding, in a very personal way how the body holds on. When I first encountered TRE and began to practice regularly I was thrilled to find such a simple and powerful way of working. I am very happy, as a certified provider to now be able to support others in this discovery.
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    City L'Aquila
    State Italy
    Country Italy
    Profession Clinical Psychologist
    Languages Spoken English, Italian
    Online Sessions Yes
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    Phone 352-363-0084
    City Deforest
    State Wisconsin
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My name is Ann, and I am a personal trainer in the Madison area. I work more in rehabilitation and look for "why" people have pain instead of just focusing on the pain so that I can help them have less pain. Tre helps my clients with stress and pain control.
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    Phone 0016502552003
    City Half Moon Bay
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Body Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I have a M.A. in Somatic Psychology specializing in addiction treatment. The bulk of my training has been in Traditional Healing in Thailand, Africa, and Native American Healing. The perspective of Traditional Healing is looking at where the Spirit is out of balance in the body. Much of my 20 years of practice has been working with trauma in different ways. I focus on building resiliency in the people I work with. I teach weekly TRE classes as well as individual sessions. My office is in Half Moon Bay, CA.
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    City Madrid
    State Madrid
    Country Spain
    Profession Other
    Languages Spoken English, French, Spanish
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio After many years working in IT and demographics, I first went to a yoga class out of curiosity and immediately fell in love with the practice. Starting with dynamic forms of yoga such as ashtanga and vinyasa, I progressively oriented my exploration towards slow paced hatha sequences. I now practice and teach a form of hatha yoga close to Rod Stryker's approach, emphasizing breath connection, energy work and mind-body awareness. On the path of slowing down, I discovered other forms of mindful movement and energy work, such as Qi gong, Yin yoga, and Feldenkrais work, which have all infused my recent teachings. I have subsequently seen on myself and others the benefits of combining  Yin yoga, Trauma Released Exercises, atuned body movements and meditation to facilitate the release of chronic tensions in body and mind. I now guide several people across the world through 1-to-1 sessions (in person or via Skype) on a weekly/monthly basis on their way to recovery from depression/stress/chronic pain. I have grown particularly invested in the understanding of our nervous systems as well as in the particular physiology of stress and trauma. I hope in the future to find more time to advocate for a better awareness of stress and trauma at society level, for institutions and caregivers to scale and adapt the nature of their services. Healing from them is moving towards aliveness and harmony, both at individual and societal level!
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    City Berkeley
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My name is Mzima (pronounced "mmm-ZEE-muh"). <br> I specialize in working with sensitive people who deeply feel the world around them. <br> I especially enjoy and have experience helping:<br> -Moms to heal from birth trauma and have more patience with their children -Healers and Helpers, such as holistic practitioners and therapists to release the stress, trauma, and emotion they pick up from their clients. -People healing from divorce/separation, grief/loss of a loved one, birth trauma, inter-generational trauma, and/or chronic pain. <br> <br> I'm super welcoming of people of all genders, orientations, family make ups and ethnicities/races/colors/backgrounds. <br> It is my intention to provide a comfortable empathetic environment so that you can feel safe as you experience your body's intuitive wisdom. <br> Here are a few quotes from past clients: <br> "This is the first time in years that I felt fully in my body and NOT in pain. Thank you!!!" <br> "My session with Mzima was vulnerable and revitalizing. She provided clear and grounded guidance, while her gentle nurturing presence allowed me to feel safe as I relaxed into the shaking that my body was wanting to manifest....Even as anger and sadness arose I found her reassurance that all is well and in order to be timely and spacious enough for me to continue to allow for the release of what felt like decades of trauma. I feel very grateful to have been able to be guided in this practice by her." <br> "I went to Mzima for stress relief and some nagging shoulder pain. Curious about all that she had to offer, I chose a combination reiki and TRE session. The TRE was new to me and it was a transformational experience- I could feel myself releasing tension as my body unwound on the mat, and for me it resulted in a lot of giggles! The reiki session was deeply relaxing and felt like a healing balm after the TRE experience of being so open and letting go. Mzima has a calm, warm, friendly presence and a good sense of humor. Highly recommended!" <br> Please come by my website to learn more or email me today to book an appointment or discuss your needs.
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    City Frankfurt am Main
    State Germany
    Country Germany, USA
    Profession Body Worker, Teacher
    Languages Spoken Croatian, English, German
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Michelle has a background as a dancer, choreographer, and movement researcher. She teaches Dance Improvisation, Release work, and other exploratory movement styles. Over the past decade she has been continuously involved in providing therapeutic movement environments as part of recovery projects for various organisations throughout the Balkans, specializing in trauma recovery and community reconciliation. Whilst living in the UK, she provided TRE to survivors of sexual trauma and also to performing artists. She also has extensive body work experience as a former Pilates instructor and believes that movement heals. She currently resides in Germany.
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    Phone +66 655029554 / US +1 253 393 3251
    City Bangkok
    State Suan Lung, Bangkok
    Country Thailand, USA, Vietnam
    Profession Marriage-and-Family-Counselor, Therapist
    Languages Spoken English, Thai
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio I am a somatic therapist with over 30 years of experience in helping to resolve PTSD, panic attacks, anxiety, torture-related PTSD and complex trauma. I specialize in working with religious trauma, depersonalization, nightmares, sexual abuse, and dissociative disorders. Cross Cultural Issues: I provide support for people with intercultural adjustment difficulties related to the experience of living abroad. Depression related to cultural adjustment. Sensitive to Expat issues. Third Culture Kids (TCK’s) are the children of expatriates who live in a foreign country for their work. Often growing up having to move and adapt to other cultures brings with it unique issues and depression.
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    Phone +40742353087
    City Bucharest
    Country Romania
    Profession Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Trainer
    Languages Spoken English, Romanian
    Bio Coralina offers integrative psychotherapy by working relationally and holistically. She uses TRE to support clients recover from traumas, PTSD, stress, anxiety and other conditions that disrupt their wellbeing. She finds joy in witnessing and accompanying people in reclaiming their life, power and health.
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    Phone 480-815-6586
    City Glendale
    State Arizona
    Country USA
    Profession Educator, Yoga-Instructor, Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio My name is Dr. Beth Dietrich, I am a certified therapeutic recreation specialist (CTRS) as well as a 500-hour certified yoga instructor. I am currently employed full-time as a Recreation Therapist specializing in mental health and substance abuse. In addition, I am a faculty associate at Arizona State University within the field of recreational therapy. I offer a TRE/Yoga combo class weekly at True Hot Yoga as well as individual/private sessions.
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    Phone November 29, 1999 8:59 am
    City rydalmere
    State New South Wales
    Country Australia, Thailand
    Profession Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Body Worker, Energy Worker
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Hi I am Luke, I work out of Thailand at the moment. I meditate and I shake!
  • Email
    Phone 510-365-0108
    City Oakland
    State California
    Country USA
    Profession Life-Coach, Multiple-Complimentary-Disciplines
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Heather is a native of Bay Area. TRE became a core practice over two years ago on her own path to release tension, stress, and trauma. Heather experienced deep calm and great sleep for the first time in many years. She also noticed that practicing TRE over time, made her much less reactive and defensive. She is honored to bring TRE to others, knowing the positive healing impact it has on her life. Additionally, Heather does personal coaching with sessions that may include EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Heather provides TRE in one-on-one sessions, duets and small group classes in the San Francisco-Bay Area.
  • Email
    Phone 07826341925
    City Glastonbury
    State Somerset
    Country United Kingdom
    Profession Therapist
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio As well as being a certified TRE provider, I am also a certified Brainspotting practitioner and I work with both modalities in my therapy practice, focused on helping people recover and heal from the effects of Trauma and Stress in their lives and return to a balanced state of health and wellbeing.
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    Phone +61467574050
    City Melbourne
    State Victoria
    Country Australia
    Profession Physical-Therapist, Other
    Languages Spoken English
    Online Sessions Yes
    Bio Denise works in Melbourne as a registered Osteopath & Physiotherapist. She has over 35 years of clinical experience, taught at University, completed a PhD, and her professional pathway has continued to expand with the addition of TRE and Equine Experiential Learning. She believes that these self-help approaches share common holistic and humanistic principles that recognise the individual’s experiences, promote self-awareness, and support the body’s innate capacity to find health.
  • Email
    City Budapest
    Country Hungary
    Profession Other-Certifications
    Languages Spoken English, Hungarian


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